Page 90 of The Unruly

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And Ronan?

There was never supposed to be any of that sort of feelings for him. He’s a guy. I don’t even like guys. But he still managed to get inside my head and confuse my horny dick.

Dad is right.

I need to go.

I need to pack up and leave this place. The temptation is too great and the consequences are too dire. I’m not strong enough to quit them.

Apparently, they’re not strong enough to quit each other either.

I’ve been trying so hard to be the responsible one around here. To remind us of what could happen if we go down that slippery slope. Raegan is reckless and female, so she doesn’t see it like I do. We’re supposed to protect our sisters, not fuck them. Ronan knows better, but after Logan fucked with his head, he’s not been the same. All his soft, tender ways have hardened. He’s doing shit that’s way out of character for him and, quite frankly, it’s freaking me out.

I’m so stressed out.

Humiliated. Disturbed. Turned on.

Seeing Ronan with his dick buried in our sister did crazy things to me. My own dick immediately hardened at the sight. Her gorgeous tits looked so damn bitable. I’d wanted to step closer to touch them—to witness their forbidden act with my own two eyes.

The humiliation took over and quickly turned to anger.

How dare Ronan treat me like I was horrible for letting Raegan get me off? And Raegan knew how upset I was that she slept with Ronan while in captivity. She’d claimed it was a bullshit gift to save her virginity from those monsters.

It was all a lie.

They clearly couldn’t keep their hands off each other once they were safe, choosing to fuck when our parents or anyone could have burst in to see.

I saw.

They’re lucky it was me.

My mind keeps spinning round and round and round. I don’t know what to do with myself or how to deal with this horrendous heartache that’s gutting me.

Mage whines, nudging the side of my leg. I reach down and scratch behind his ears. He’s been up Dad’s ass ever since he got hurt, but when I took off after catching Ronan and Raegan in the act, he somehow found me. We’ve been sitting on the other side of our property, leaned against the fence, sulking. I’m thankful for my wolf’s presence.

“Want to go hunting?” I ask him. “It’d be good to clear our heads, huh?”

I’m an idiot talking to a damn dog.

At least the dog can’t fuck me over.

He makes a huffing sound and trots toward the cliffside stairs. I follow after him. Mage races down the stairs, clumsily nearly taking a tumble. I chuckle and whistle for him to slow down. By the time I reach the bottom, I’m out of breath.

It’s dark out, but the moonlight illuminates the path. Since I’m not about to go back to my cabin to retrieve my rifle, I decide taking one of Rowdy’s at his place will do. It’s not like he’ll even be there. I’d seen him by the fire with Destiny, glued to her side as she goes through her own mental shit.

“I’m just going to have to avoid them until I leave for town,” I tell Mage. “It’s going to be too hard to look at them without my heart fucking breaking.”

Mage stops walking ahead of me, cocking his head to the side. He’s a smart little fella. Probably understands every damn word too.

“Maybe I’ll go to school with Wild,” I say, watching Mage turn and trot ahead. “He has sex all the time. Chet too. There’s probably some nice girl there who’s just waiting for me to show up.”

Mage makes another huffing sound.

I try to imagine going to Wild’s school. It’s his last year there and then he’ll go to college. It might be fun to meet new people and date.

Or it would be really fucking lonely.

Rowdy came back changed. Granted, it was because of one person—Wild’s cousin Evan—but the risk of falling in with the wrong people is there. People, aside from our family and the Knoxes, have shown their true colors to me. Logan and his group were pure evil. Maybe all that exists out there are more people like them.

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