Page 49 of The Unruly

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At that, I snort out a laugh. “Keep telling yourself that.”

Irritation twists his features into a scowl. He busies himself with peeling off his wet layers. My pulse quickens at the thought of him getting completely naked. I cram my hand into my wet jeans when he’s not looking and pull out what Ronan gave me.

A bone.

No longer than my middle finger, but pointy on one end.

It’ll do in a pinch.

Like if a would-be rapist tries to put his dick near me.

Curling my fingers around it, I sit down and watch him struggle with his soaked jeans. His white boxers have a brown stain along his ass crack. Gag. I can’t believe I was ever interested in this guy.

I’ve done laundry plenty of times with Mom and my brothers didn’t have shit stains in their underwear. CJ is just filthy scum plain and simple.

Stacey howls again, which then sets off Declan. He starts sobbing, calling for me. My heart shatters at the way he pleads for me to come get him. With stinging tears in my eyes, I bolt for the tent opening, forgetting all plans of escape just so I can provide my baby brother some comfort.

CJ grabs hold of my short hair before I can unzip the tent. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

“I’m going to get my brother, swamp ass! Let me go!”

He shoves me aside and points a finger at me. “Enough with the names and ridiculing. I’m this close to handing you over to—”


We both jerk our attention to the person’s head entering our tent. Michael’s hard gaze locks on to me as he speaks to CJ. “Handing her over to whom?”

“Nothing,” CJ mumbles. “What’s up? Everything okay with Stacey?”

“She’s in labor. I need a favor,” Michael grunts. He finishes unzipping the tent and thrusts Declan at me. “Keep an eye on my boys. Can I trust you to do that, Raegan?”


It’s on the tip of my tongue to argue about whose boys they actually belong to, but my need to protect overshadows the need to retaliate in this moment.

“Of course,” I rush out, quickly snatching my little brother and pulling him to me. “Hey, buddy. It’s okay.”

Declan starts to cry again and clings to me like he never wants to let go. Michael ushers Dakota inside next. Kota scrambles to sit beside me, leaning his head against my arm.

“It’s going to be a long night,” Michael grumbles before disappearing.

CJ, sitting in only his dirty underwear, gives me a sour look. Oh no, he can’t rape me now because we have an audience. Poor guy. Ignoring him, I hug Dakota and Declan, whispering assurances to them. On a normal day, me and Dakota fight like the brats we are, but not this day. This is not a normal day and all our sibling rivalry is pushed aside.

We have to stick together.

I have to protect them.

Aside from being wet and miserable, I’m thrilled. I have my baby brothers with me for the first time since we set out on this horrible journey and I have a small weapon. I just need to get Ronan, Dez, and Sadie. Since Sadie is closest, I can start with her.

“Can you ask Sadie to come help?” I ask CJ, refusing to look at him in case he can see the deception on my face.

He huffs. “No. Absolutely not.”

Snapping my head up, I glower at him. “I can’t possibly get the boys warm and calm all by myself.”

“I can help,” he says, moving like he’s going to come toward us.

Dakota screeches and kicks out at him, his small boot hitting him square on the chin. CJ curses but pulls back as he rubs his jaw.

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