Page 29 of The Unruly

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My mouth waters to taste her pert nipple, but a scream cuts through my lust-filled haze.

Lifting up from her and breaking our kiss, I look down at her, momentarily confused as to whether the scream came from her or not. Her eyes are hooded and her lips puffy from our kiss.

She’s beautiful.

I start to kiss her again, but then a gunshot fires.

Snapping awake, I quickly look around to reorient myself. My dick is hard, straining in my boxers, pre-cum slicking the material. My dream of her wasn’t a dream at all. It was a memory of that moment we shared. So hot. So terrible because she’s my sister, but so fucking good because she’s Raegan.

Another gunshot.

This one not a memory, but in my reality.

I throw on clothes at record speed, grab my rifle, and bolt out of the tent, ready to take out the threat.

Except there is no threat.

Wild holds up a dead rabbit by its foot and grins at me. “I’m still a fucking awesome shot.”

“Good shot? It took you two to kill that rabbit,” I grumble. “Now let’s just hope those fuckers are far enough away that they didn’t hear the shots.”

Wild’s smile falls and he winces as realization kicks in. “Dammit. I didn’t think—”

“You never do,” Rowdy snaps. “Let’s pack up and move out. We have people to find.”

Every day is exactly the same.

Wake up early, travel in silence beside Tom and his kids, break for dinner, make camp, sleep. Over and over and over. We’ve been at this for a whole week and I’m so tired of it. Mostly, I’m concerned since Ryder hasn’t come for us yet.

Did they hurt him too?

Ronan holds out hope that Ryder will be here, but I’m beginning to doubt it. It seems what’s left of my family is here with me or they would’ve already come. It’s going to be up to us to get away from these traveling lunatics.

I can hear Mya complaining up ahead about blisters and begging to stop for the night. Usually, they walk us until just before dark, but today the sun is still shining proudly in the late afternoon. To my surprise, the group slows to a stop. With me and Tom’s crew bringing up the rear, I’m not sure what’s being decided up ahead. I wonder how long we’ll travel until Michael deems it safe to stop. Is his community forever nomads or will they build in a permanent location?

My mind drifts to our home and how it had been burning. I have no idea if anyone survived. I don’t even know if the wolf pups lived or not. For some reason, that has my heart fissuring and my eyes stinging.

Poor Mage and Spirit.

Maybe there will be wolf karma and a grown wolf can eat Mya’s face off. I’d happily watch that. The men here are terrifying, but Mya just gets on my nerves. She’s a mini psychopath in the making.

I hate her.

I hate them all.

Dakota runs over to me and thrusts a strip of deer jerky in my face. Knowing it’s jerky these people stole from my family’s pantry makes my blood boil, but since it’s my brother sharing it with me, I gift him with a smile.

“Thanks, Kota. You and Deck okay?”

Tom looms beside me, nosily listening in on our conversation, but at this point, I don’t care.

“If we get sad, Momma Stacey said we can—”

A shriek escapes me and I snap at Dakota, “She isnotyour momma!”

His bottom lip pouts out and he glowers at me. “We have to call her that. Papa Michael said so or else we’ll get spankins.”

The thought of Michael putting his hands on my baby brothers makes me dizzy with terror. Guilt from lashing out at Dakota who’s doing his best to survive his own hell threatens to swallow me whole.

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