Page 105 of The Unruly

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“I have to tell you something, Rae. I need you to not flip your shit.”

Oh great. My shit is already flipping and he hasn’t even told me.

“W-What?” I demand, tensing for a fight.

He strokes my hair, intensely watching me with a look of pure love that warms me. “Me and Ryder made up.”

I relax and nod. “I could tell. You’re talking to each other again.”

“It’s more than that.” His lips purse together. “We had sex.”

They had sex? Like how me and Ronan had sex? How does it work for men?

“I thought you liked having sex with me,” I whisper, stupid tears back again. “What’s wrong with me?”

“Nothing is wrong with you,” he growls and kisses my mouth. “You’re fucking perfect, Rae.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You do. You always have. The three of us share an unbreakable bond. We’ve been fighting it, but it’s too strong.” He grins at me. “Don’t you understand? Our love is so strong that nothing can tear it apart.”

When I think about the three of us together, happy and laughing, it’s definitely the best part of my life.

“I love you,” Ronan says, stroking my cheek with his thumb. “I’ll always love you. I love Ryder too. The three of us can be together. And with the baby…” He beams at me. “We’ll be our own little family.”

My heart patters happily at his words. Perhaps we can be happy. There could be a future where the three of us can love each other and care for our baby.

It still doesn’t fix the problem with Mom and Dad or being forced to leave our family.

“We have to tell Ryder,” I say, biting my lip. “He’ll know what to do, right?”

Ronan nods. “Ryder has always wanted to protect us. That won’t ever stop. Do you trust me this will all work out?”

Even though I really don’t, I nod and lie anyway. “I trust you.”

I’m going to be a dad.

Holy shit.

Something I never thought possible is going to happen.

My sister is pregnant with my baby.

Joy and disbelief keep warring with actual fear. Fear for the health of the baby, of Raegan giving birth at such a young age and away from proper medical facilities, of my parents and their reaction.

We need Ryder.

He’s always been a steady presence in our lives. Safe and protective. A fierce lover who’d do anything for his family. He’ll know what to do and say to have us feeling better.

Because, despite all the fear, this is a good thing. Babies are a product of love.

The cabin door opens with its usual creak, but instead of fear of Logan, I have the overwhelming feeling of relief knowing Ryder is finally here. He steps in, grinning, but it falters when he sees Raegan wrapped in my arms.

He closes the door behind him and slowly approaches, his eyebrows pinching and his lips turning down in a small frown. The panicked way with which he meets my stare solidifies the fact he’s nervous about the fragility of our newly repaired relationship. I smile at him, hoping to assure him I’m not going anywhere.

“Hey,” Ryder says, voice gruff as he sits on the edge of the bed. “What are you two up to?”

Raegan twists in my arms to face him. She’s tense as fuck. Ryder studies her for a beat, wincing at whatever expression she gives to him. I whisper my fingers over her stomach and she relaxes.

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