Page 56 of Anyone But the Boss

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I feign interest in the passing traffic, pulling Mary toward me in a hug.

After a few minutes of silence, Mary’s eyes close completely and Ms al Abbas continues her conversation with Brian, the driver, about pesky New York traffic.

‘This is temporary.’ I whisper once more, smoothing the hair off Mary’s face. ‘Kayla sometimes acts rashly, but she’ll come to her senses soon.’

I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince him or myself at this point.

‘Here we are, sir.’ Brian pulls alongside the sidewalk in front of a massive, whitewashed brick house. I’ve taken walks in Central Park many times – a free form of entertainment in an expensive city – and I always wondered who would be lucky enough to have such an expansive amount of green in their backyard smack in the middle of Manhattan.

No surprise that the lucky person is Thomas.

Except it’s his front yard, the park and house separated by a well-kept, tree-lined sidewalk and a two-lane road.

‘Thank you, Brian.’ Thomas opens the door, holding it open for me as Brian strides around the vehicle to do the same for Ms. al Abbas.

Unable to carry her, I shake Mary awake. Once out of the car she raises her head and rubs her eyes with the hand not holding her stuffed animal. ‘Which window is yours?’

Thomas and I follow her gaze at his multi-level and five window wide house. Everything about the classic architecture screams old money – with the contrasting royal blue door and brass door knocker is a little unexpected.

A house to match its owner.

‘All of them.’ Thomas’s tone as brisk as ever.

Mary’s already large eyes widen. ‘Which is my window then?’

‘Your window faces the backyard.’

‘There’s a yard?’ She stares at him, excitement driving all traces of sleepiness from her eyes. ‘How big?’

Thomas gestures to Brian to open the trunk. ‘Not big.’

‘Is there a swing?’


Her small chest heaves in disappointment, then she pats his arm as if consoling him. ‘That’s okay.’

His impassive expression falls, as if affronted someone found fault with his home.

I step between him and Mary, not wanting his condescending attitude to hurt her feelings.

Ms al Abbas smiles back, ending my amusement with a new flood of anxiety and guilt.

Thomas clears his throat, pointing over the roof of the car, directing Mary’s attention across the street. ‘There’s probably a swing in that park.’

Mary tugs on the end of his suit sleeve. ‘Will you take me?’

Thomas stares at her, a frown making his eye look more menacing than usual. ‘Where?’

Mary seemingly unaffected, points to the park as Thomas had.

Thomas’s eyes flick across the street and back again, frown still in place. ‘To the park?’

She nods, staring at him expectantly.

Thankfully, Brian steps up beside us with my duffle and I move forward to take it, saving Thomas from having to let Mary down in front of an audience. ‘Here, Brian.’ I hold my arm out. ‘I’ll take that.’

Brian keeps it at his side, but he smiles as if thanking me for the gesture. ‘That’s alright, Mrs Moore. I’ll take it in for you.’

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