Page 36 of Anyone But the Boss

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Gazing up past the cock before me, over the length of muscle and sporadic freckles and into Thomas’s brown eyes, I’m recaptured. His hand cups the side of my face, his thumb pressing on my lower lip. The dream-like magic swirling around me once more.

Keeping my eyes on his, I lick. Up and down, getting a feel for the hot skin, soft on top, ridged underneath. Like a backwards Blow Pop.

I’ve always loved Blow Pops.

Wondering if that’s where blow jobs get their name, I suck on the tip, swirling my tongue around and around.

Thomas’s knees buckle and he staggers back, the sound of him leaving my mouth reinforcing my theory connecting the job to the ‘pop’.

‘Alice.’ His expression, one of wonder from where I’m kneeling before him, blurs. Colors swirl and shapes move, segueing as dreams tend to do. I panic, worried Thomas may have been correct at the start, that this is a dream.

Thankfully, when everything stops moving, I’m still with Thomas.

On a bed.

* * *


I let go.

Of control, rules, reasoning, and feast on the woman before me. Like a man starved for life.

Her lips, her ears, her neck. My tongue finds every spot that makes Alice moan, makes her writhe. It’s as if my subconscious is taking this opportunity to exact revenge on the woman who makes me feel everything I’ve tried so hard not to feel. Everything I shouldn’t.

I continue kissing and tasting her body, moving down until I’ve sucked the peaks of her small breasts into my mouth, nibbled and flicked their tips until Alice’s increasingly jerky movements threaten to buck me off.

Alice is greedy.

I like that.

Holding myself up on my forearm, my other hand delves into the heat between her legs until my fingers are coated with her desire. Until her writhing suddenly stops, her body tightens like a bow and her voice keens loudly in the empty hotel suite.

‘More, Thomas. More.’ My name has never sounded more like a prayer, like the secret to someone’s salvation. Settling on my knees between hers, I lift her legs off the bed, pulling her body toward me until her ass slides across the tops of my thighs and I can I finally thrust my cock inside her.

My grunt goes unheard over her scream of pleasure.

‘Yes. Oh my God. Yes.’ Even with only her upper back on the bed, Alice manages to find leverage to circle her hips, teasing the tip of my cock inside of her.

My teeth dig into my bottom lip, the pain just enough to keep from coming. I don’t want to come, to end this too soon. Though the sight of my dick sliding in and out of her, my wet cock glistening under the neon lights streaming in through the bedroom window is making it hard not to chase my release.

Alice’s eyes are half closed, her slender fingers wrapping around her small breasts, pinching her nipples.

Pausing in my thrust, I grab one of her hands and lower it to her damp curls, touching her fingers to her clit.

‘Press.’ My word must penetrate the haze of lust, because she does. And as soon as she does, I begin to punish her. Punish her for affecting me so deeply, so entirely that I’m without escape.

My thrusts are fast and deep. Out of control and yet setting the most satisfying rhythm I’ve ever heard. Felt.

With every surge inside her, her fingers jerk over her clit. Rubbing it. Teasing it.

I continue to pound into her until her feet flex, her back contorts and her eyes fly wide open, unseeing. ‘Oh my God. Fuck. Yes. Thomas.’

Alice’s cursing would be amusing if I had even an ounce of energy left to spare. But I don’t. Because while her inner walls clamp down on my dick and her hoarse voice shouts my name, an intense spike of pleasure hits me. Rising to my knees, I thrust one final time, burrowing myself as deep inside her as possible. Roaring like the animal she’s made me.

Things blur, time shifts and then I’m on my back with Alice spread out over the bed and my body.

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