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Clasping her hand in both of his, Duke smiles back. “Nice to meet you too, Bell.”

And just like that, another one bites the dust of Bell’s charm.

She tugs my hand and pulls me toward the doors. “Come on, slowpoke. It’s been ages since I’ve gotten to walk around the city, and I couldn’t have asked for a better day.”

I wave the doorman back and hold the door open for her. “Or better company.”

Bell snorts. “That has yet to be seen, Mr. Moore. What did you have on the agenda?”

A funeral dirge plays out, making both of us pause. Hurriedly, I fish out my phone from my pocket and silence the call.

“The funeral dirge? Who has the honor of that ringtone? The father-that-shall-not-be-named?”

I just smile and shake my head, not wanting to bring up the recently added ringtone for my brother.

I let go of her hand to cup her jaw, my thumbs caressing her cheekbones. “No one we need to worry about.”

Then my arm is sliding around her shoulders at the same time her arm wraps around my waist.

The sun is shining, the breeze is cool, and I’ve got a hot girl wrapped around me.

Nothing can ruin this day.



This day has gone to hell in a hand basket.

Do you know how many restaurants there are in New York City? Hell, even just in Manhattan?

No? Well, neither do I, except to say there are a shit-ton.

A shit-ton, people!

And yet, out of all the restaurants catering to the bougie, millennial brunch crowd—and, you know, me—my family somehow found me. Or I managed to find them.

I’ve taken Bell to brunch at Boucherie in the West Village. I know, a little much, but it’s the best.

Now I’m thinking I should’ve gotten her an Egg McMuffin and called it a day.

“What’s wrong?” Campbell’s hand rests on my chest, her body given no choice but to curl into mine, what with my arm pulling her close. We’re waiting behind a trio of young women at the hostess stand who are blocking Campbell’s view of the restaurant, but not mine.

“Nothing. It’s fine.” And it is, for the moment. Between two topknots, I can just make out my brother who, unfortunately, is facing our way. “Maybe we should go someplace else.”

“Really?” Bell blinks up at me. “But you were so excited when I said I’d never been here. You said you wanted to show me something new.”

Our limited cover is blown when the hostess grabs three menus and herds the women to their table.

I turn my back on Thomas, trying to shield us from sight. “I know, but—”


Fuck. I hang my head for a moment before surrendering to the inevitable and facing my brother. Thomas, eyebrows together, constant frown in place, is looking up from the table, fork and knife poised above his plate. My mother swivels in her seat toward Bell and me.

I try to smile, but I’m pretty sure it comes off as more of a grimace.

Thomas smiles his stupid, annoying, charming smile. “It is you.”

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