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It isn’t that I’m after a quick fuck. I mean, yes, obviously I’m attracted to her body. Hence the dick tears. However, I became enslaved to the whole idea of Campbell and me the moment hot coffee burned my nipples. And even more so once she opened her mouth. When she showed me how smart, funny, and kind she is. Damn it, I sound like a Hallmark card. Whatever. I want her. All of her. So if not sleeping with her tonight, or even the entire two days she’s granted me, is what it takes, then I can handle it. I mean, I’ve had blue balls for weeks. It’s become my norm.

“Okay, I’ll drive you back to the hotel and then I’ll pick you up for breakfast. Not brunch. Breakfast.” I reach out and cup her cheek, smiling at her. “If I’ve only got two days, I’m making the most of them.”

Still smiling, she nods.

I drop my hand and pace a little. “Pack a bag if you need to ’cause you won’t get back to the hotel until tomorrow night. It’ll be an all-day date.” I look up at the ceiling, thinking. “You like sports? Theater? I can see if I can scrounge up some tickets if you like. Maybe a picnic in the park, that’s a good time. Shit.” I run my hand through my hair. “Okay, give me the night, I’m sure I can come up with something to make the most of our time.”

“You need the night?”

“Yeah, that’ll give me time to plan. But I’ll let you know before tomorrow, so you have some sort of idea of what we’re… what are you doing?”

Campbell’s halfway down the hallway toward my bedroom before she stops and looks over her shoulder. “You said you needed the night.”

“Uh, yeah?”

“So I’m giving you the night.” She tilts her head to the side, just like she had when looking at Mike. “Unless you don’t want me to stay?” Her lips twitch.

“Stay the night?” What is happening? I’ve lost control of the situation. Again.

“Yes,” she says, nodding slowly, like I’m short on the uptake. I am. I definitely am. I swear she is the only one who can do this to me. I sort of love it.

“But I thought you wanted to start tomorrow,” I point out.

“I did. But then you made a valid comment about two days not being a lot of time and needing the night.” Her fingers trace over her collarbone as she talks. Back and forth.

“Uh-huh. Yes. Valid.” My eyes are glued to her fingers as they slowly trail down her chest, between her breasts.

“And if you think I’m going to let you plan my whole day tomorrow without any input, you’re crazy, Mr. Moore.” Her fingertips rest at the button of her jeans.

My dick has stopped crying and is currently praying that this is leading where he thinks it’s leading.

“So,” she continues, circling the button, “if I stay, we can plan our date and spend more time together. Much more efficient use of time, don’t you think?”

“Yes. Efficient.” I nod. “I definitely think that.” I nod again. “Efficiency is good.”

She turns and continues her walk to my bedroom.


One eyebrow arches when she looks at me over her shoulder. “Yes?” Her tone is seductively lazy.

My dick salutes her.

I take a breath and hold out my hands. “I just want to make sure I have this straight.”

She turns to face me again. “Okay.”

“You are spending the night.”

One side of her mouth curls. “Yes.”

“We’re having sex.”

A full-blown smile. “Yes.”

“And tomorrow we are spending the whole day together. Two whole days together.”

She opens her mouth, but I cut her off. “And two nights.”

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