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“Did you find any clues or a place to start searching?” Mark scooted forward in his chair.

Willis rose and started pacing across the office. “Yes and no. IT investigated which accounts were connected to our network when the record changed and who altered it. They found one account called 00-General, which doesn’t identify anyone. By default, the database tags the logged-in user who created the record, but the intruder was savvy enough to change the username.”

“Does the evidence point to someone inside?” Tess couldn’t decide which was worse—a corrupt police officer or a hacker brilliant enough to breach the London Police’s firewall. Neither option boded well.

“Inconclusive. An intruder who gained system access could’ve invented a generic-looking name and avoided triggering any red flags.” Willis continued pacing.

“The impenetrable Met Police vault was hacked, and you have no suspects? Seriously?” Tess tilted her chin high and spread her elbows wide. She sensed hot anger coursing through her body.

Willis stopped moving and pursed his lips. “Not yet, but it’s an important clue. I synced up with Chief Inspector Adams, who worked with David while ye were kidnapped. I understand ye both suffered quite an ordeal.” He gestured at Mark with a nod and an open palm.

“Well, I’m afraid the ordeal’s not over yet.” Mark narrowed his gaze and rested his scarred hand on one knee.

“We need to understand tonight’s plan. The kidnappers demanded Declan O’Leary meet them at midnight. How will you keep him safe?” Tess didn’t mince words as she sensed her hackles rising.

“Adams is on point, and the team’s tactics depend on whether the location is urban or an unpopulated setting. The meeting place hasn’t been communicated yet.” Willis clenched a black pen.

“Right, which means it must be near London. Who are you sending?” Tess kept pushing to gain some confidence the police had a solid plan.

“Standard procedure is we send an emergency response team, along with a backup squad. According to our Serious and Organised Crime Command, Crimson Hammer poses the highest-level threat, and we’ll take every precaution. Based on the Cedarcliff attack, we’re aware of their capabilities, weapons, and tactics.” Willis wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead.

“But how will you protect Declan from harm? I’m not clear on that.” Mark cast a glance in Tess’s direction.

Given Willis failed to provide any assurance the preparations were airtight, Tess appreciated Mark’s request for specific details.

“Our tactical teams are trained with extensive protocols, which they adapt for any scenario. We’ve got the meeting time, which gives us the distinct advantage of being able to prepare for any attack.”

“What about David Kingsley? Declan’s delivering the code in exchange for his life.” Tess chewed at the inside of her lip to beat back her escalating worry.

“We hope they follow through. Until then, we’re searching for David day and night. We just haven't had any luck.”

“Hope? That’s it? You better come up with a damn better strategy right now.” Something inside Tess blew. “You realize David could die tonight, Inspector Willis?”

Releasing a noisy exhale, Willis took a seat. “Ms. Bennett. We will do everything possible to bring him home safely, so just sit tight. Stay away from the crime scene and don’t endanger yourselves. I insist ye remain somewhere safe in these final hours.” He jutted his jaw out.

“Fine, but what else?” Deeply dissatisfied, she tried to throttle down her worry by obtaining more data.

“MPS hired Chief Inspector Adams a few months ago, based on stellar commendations from his Liverpool post. He built a solid track record by leading several high-profile counterterrorism initiatives. He’ll keep tonight’s situation under control.” Willis stood and escorted them back downstairs. “If ye have any concerns, call my mobile.”

Dismissed and disgruntled, she and Mark returned to the hotel in Westminster. Once settled in their room, Tess kicked off her shoes and sat at a small table. “Something’s off about this, and I don’t like it.”

“Agreed. The police plan is vague, at best. Yes, they’re preparing a team to travel, but what then?” Mark joined her at the table. “Perhaps it’s like when hospitals get notified of incoming wounded. We can prep our staff, but we can’t diagnose the patients without examining them firsthand.”

“The police received notice and time to build a robust strategy. They should’ve made more progress. Declan will need lots of reassurance to keep his head together tonight. I’d better call and see how he’s faring.” She fumbled for her phone and dialed.

“O’Leary here. You calling to give me last rites?” The phone line crackled with static.

“Stop it. You’re not dying on my watch.” She grumbled and slid off her jacket. “We met with Inspector Willis, who confirmed Chief Inspector Adams is leading the operation, but no location yet. Has Crimson Hammer contacted you?”


Declan’s voice sounded forlorn and empty. Realizing how much stress she’d thrown his way, Tess felt guilty. Revealing Kyle’s murder and then asking him to hand off a virus to terrorists was like dropping a live grenade into his hands. With David kidnapped, and her own absence from work, Declan had shouldered countless crises and needed help. An idea popped into her head. “Willis told us to stay home, but you shouldn’t face this alone. What if we drove with you to the meeting place for moral support?”

Although Mark dropped his jaw and stared, he didn’t interrupt.

Silence filled the line for several seconds. “That’s insanely stupid. Your leg’s a mess, and Mark’s injured, too. I appreciate your offer, truly I do, but forget it.” Declan’s voice trailed off.

“No. I’ll see this nightmare through to the end. Maybe there will be a staging area or someplace where we can wait.” When he didn’t reply, she continued. “You’re exhausted and in shock. Multiple people have died or suffered—Kyle, Riku, David, Mark, and Kavita, too. Willis said Adams is sending two teams to the handoff to protect you tonight. You still there?” She heard heavy breaths, like hyperventilating.

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