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Lacey was messing around on her phone, but she looked up. “You’re meeting with the band?”

“Yeah.” I tossed my phone on the table in front of me. “Some important meeting, even though we’re not doing shit as a band right now. Why the fuck on a Saturday night?”

“You need to get a babysitter for Kody?” She asked.

I nodded. There was only one babysitter I trusted besides my family or Josie and if she wasn’t free, I’d have to bring Kody to Kay’s.

“I can watch him,” she said tentatively.

‘No’ was on the tip of my tongue, but that would mean she’d be here waiting for me when I got home. I’d get to at least spend the night with her. It was selfish, but I was a greedy bastard when it came to her. “You don’t have to do that. I’m sure it’s not exactly how you envisioned spending a Saturday night.”

“I don’t mind. Just let me know what his usual routine is. I can order pizza for dinner or whatever he likes. It’ll be fun.”

Kody would like that and I’d like knowing she was waiting for me. “Okay, on one condition.”

She cocked an eyebrow at me, letting me know I wasn’t in the position to be making conditions. “What?”

A slow smile crept over my face. “That you stay here tomorrow and spend the day with me. No running off early.”

She didn’t hesitate. “Deal.”

My stomach grumbled when I walked into Ghost’s apartment. I smelled the food before I saw the spread. Sid, Knox, and Ghost were already sitting at the round table that sat about six feet from the kitchen island that was laden with food.

I headed straight for the food. “You guys started eating? Where’s Ryder?”

“We wanted to dig in while it was still hot. Ryder’s on his way. Beer’s in the fridge.” Ghost replied between mouthfuls.

There was a huge spread of a variety of Thai food. Grabbing a plate, I began piling food on it: Thai BBQ, fried rice, papaya salad, pork stir fry, spring rolls, Thai curry with chicken, Pad Thai, and cashew chicken. I grabbed some soup and utensils and carried my overloaded plate to the table before I pulled a Singha Beer out of his refrigerator.

I went back to the table and sat down next to Sid. After I shoveled in a few bites of food, I addressed the table. “So, what the hell is going on and why am I always the last to know?”

Sid elbowed me. “I don’t know shit either.

“We have to wait till Ryder gets here.” Ghost leaned back in his chair.

Sid grumbled in frustration. “For fuck’s sake, at least tell me if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. And if we’re going back on tour.”

Knox glanced over at Ghost. “It’s definitely good. And it has nothing to do with the tour.”

Sid seemed satisfied. “Okay, I can wait then.” He went back to eating.

I frowned. “You know too, Knox? And why isn’t Donovan here?”

Just then, Ryder walked through the door. “Looks like I’m late. I hope you fuckers saved me some food.”

We chowed on the fried bananas and mango sticky rice for dessert while we waited for Ryder to catch up. When we were all finally finished eating, Ghost herded us all into the living room.

Sid and I settled into the brown leather couch with Ryder perching on the arm of the couch next to me. Knox sunk into an oversized ottoman coffee table. Ghost walked over to his home bar setup.

He pulled out a bottle of alcohol. “For this fine occasion, I selected a beverage to celebrate. This is the best 12 Year Old single malt around, according to the guy taking my money.”

He held out a bottle of Macallan.

Scotch? My gaze slid over to Knox. I suddenly had a feeling I knew what we were celebrating.

Ryder laughed. “Oh fuck. You finally grew a pair of balls and did it?”

Ghost started putting ice cubes in some rocks glasses with a tong. “Hold on, we need to get our drinks first.”
