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“Well, if we had sex, it must have been very gentle because I don’t feel a damn thing.” I rolled my eyes, and that was a mistake. It hurt.

He grinned. “Yeah, you would have felt it for sure if we did anything. We must have just passed out.”

“We managed to get naked...”

His eyes flicked over my body, but then he caught himself. “What’s the last thing you remember?”

“Doing a shot at the nightclub.” I thought for a moment. “No, wait. We went somewhere. Back to the cocktail bar? We talked for a while. It’s so fuzzy.”

“Yeah.” He nodded. “We talked for a long time. We had some more shots. We finished the absinthe. You were calling it truth serum. Then I started seeing double. That’s about all I remember.”

I pulled the T-shirt over my head and then pulled the bath towel out from underneath. The T-shirt was large, but my boobs filled it out pretty nicely. I laid back down on the bed again, not caring that the T-shirt rode up my legs.

“Can I take a picture of you now? You’re so sexy and I can’t enjoy it right now because my fucking head hurts so bad. I need a picture so I can look at it later and appreciate it.”

His voice sounded like raw sex. And it pissed me off. I sat up and scowled.

“Really?” I packed a heaping of disgust and irritation into that one word.

“I’m sorry, that was ... fuck, are you crying?”

Yes, water was leaking out of my eyes. I swiped at the errant drops, feeling foolish. “I don’t know why I’m crying; I’m just feeling so sick.”

“I’m sorry, Lacey.” He leaned over and hugged me, holding me in his arms.

And it felt so right. Comforting. Too good. I pulled away. “I know you were just joking, but this whole thing is so fucked up, Sebastian.”

He froze. “You called me that last night. I remember.”

“Ugh. I don’t know why.” Frowning, I shook my head. “I think of you as Sebastian in my head. Kaylie calls you that sometimes, and it just stuck in my head. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s okay. I kind of like it.” He was rubbing soothing circles on my back. “So, you think about me a lot, huh?”

“What? No! I’m just confused right now. With Sid barging in here. And we both missed brunch. I don’t even know why I give a shit about that...”

“It’s going to be okay.”

I continued spewing out my train of thought. “I got blackout drunk. I’ve never done that before. Maybe a few details get blurry now and then, but nothing like this.”

“I know it’s a bit unsettling. I don’t remember how we got back here, either. But I probably just brought you back here. I don’t think we did anything but get naked. I don’t see a condom lying around...” His voice trailed off.

God, could we have had sex and not even remember it?

He stood up, grabbed his pants off the ground, and dug through the pocket until he found his wallet. He opened it up and smiled.

“Condom is still in here. I don’t think ... What’s this?”

One side of his lip turned down. His eyes darted to mine and then he pulled a folded-up piece of paper out of his wallet. It looked like he unfolded it in slow motion, but maybe that was just my alcohol-poisoned mind.

I didn’t imagine his sharp intake of breath. “Oh fuck.”

“What is it?” I grabbed his arm and pulled it closer to me so I could see it.

It was a receipt for $102 and some transaction fees for the Las Vegas Marriage License Bureau. It was dated last night at 1:36 a.m.

Holy fuck! “Did we...”

“No. Just because I have this ... No. It doesn’t mean we actually got...” He couldn’t even say the word out loud.
