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She giggled. “You’re slurring your words.”

My hand rested on her thigh. “You’ve been slurring your words for the past hour.”

Her head tilted. “I have a question for you. A very, very important question. You have to tell me the truth.”


“First, more truth serum.” She picked up the flask and then poured out the remaining liquid into our glasses and onto the table, too.

I could tell she was really drunk, so I chose the glass with the bigger pour. I was seeing double at this point, but I was still a gentleman.

“C’mere, beautiful.” I patted my lap. “And ask me this important question.”

Chapter 10


I was pretty sure I’d been awake for a couple of minutes, but my brain was only just sluggishly starting to work. I knew two things for sure. Something was vibrating my right ass cheek every few minutes, and that’s what had woken me up. And secondly, I was in bad shape.

When I tried to place in my mind where exactly I was, my mind came up blank. I tried to work it out. In a bed, but not at home. On a cruise? A small boat? Because the bed was swaying and I felt seasick. Had I been drugged and kidnapped by a pirate? One who was using a vibrator on my ass this very second?

I forced my eyes to open. Ouch, that hurt. Not a boat, but a hotel room. And, yes, it was spinning. I closed my eyes to regroup. Things were slowly coming back to me.

Las Vegas. Girl’s weekend. Sid’s birthday.

Okay, that explained why I felt so awful. A quick assessment of my condition led me to the conclusion that on my worst-hangover-of-all-time scales, this one was near the tippy top. My stomach rolled with nausea. A sharp stab of pain behind my eye added to my throbbing headache. Damn. Maybe even straight up the worst hangover of all time.

My ass buzzed again. What the hell was that? I couldn’t move yet, so I just ignored it. But I was naked. And sometimes that meant...


I rolled over slowly, not wanting to puke and afraid to discover the source of the warmth I felt behind me.

I was in bed with Bash. Sebastian Archer. Kaylie’s brother. I guess it wasn’t all that surprising. Almost all the men in our Vegas group were already coupled up, and I’d already had sex with him years before. It wasn’t that big of a deal. Right?

Did we have sex last night? I tried hard to remember. It sucked if we did because I couldn’t remember it and he was hella skilled in bed. I remembered that ‘night of the threesome’ fondly, often with a vibrator between my legs.

He appeared to be naked, but I wasn’t totally sure because the lower half of his body was covered with sheets. Despite feeling like I’d been run over by a dump truck, my eyes raked over him. His arms and upper body were freaking phenomenal. Even though I usually preferred a man with a bit of chest hair, his smooth chest was exquisite. I wanted to run my hands along the smooth skin, exploring his broad shoulders and well-defined pecs. His taut, muscular arms were just as mouth-watering, from his bulging biceps to his corded forearms. My eyes trailed lower, over his chiseled abs and down the distinctive V-shaped torso that disappeared under the sheets.

Years of drumming had honed his body into masculine perfection. Unfortunately, I didn’t have x-ray vision, but from what I remembered, everything below the sheets matched the top, including his cock.

All that sexy goodness was topped with a handsome face with short, dark hair that always looked perfectly messy. Flawless features like his angular cheekbones and granite jaw were only overshadowed by his criminally pretty eyes. They were a green color so stunning that it made my stomach tumble with nerves when he laid them on me. Just to highlight those breathtaking eyes, he had the thickest lashes I’d ever seen on a guy. It almost looked like he was wearing guyliner, they were so damn thick. Those eyes would surely make him the prettiest boy in the world if his other very angular and sharp features didn’t balance it all out. I’d witnessed girls mooning over this man’s looks for years.

He opened those pretty eyes, and I gasped. Fuck, he was almost too handsome to look at directly.

“Lacey.” The rough and gravelly way he said my name had my lady parts clenching.

My head decided to remind me it was in agony by shooting a dagger of pain behind my right eye. I groaned. “I think I’m still drunk. The room’s spinning.”

“Aw, fuck.” Sebastian rubbed his face. “Yep. I feel like shit, too.”

I felt vibrations again, but this time nearer to my secret spot since I’d just rolled over. He must have heard the buzz of vibration because he made a face. Instead of ignoring it again, I reached down between my legs and pulled out ... a cell phone.

Sebastian looked puzzled. “That’s my phone.”

I flipped it over and groaned. “Sid’s calling. And he’s been calling a lot.”

He took the phone from me and declined the call. “Shit, it’s 1:30.”
