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She sat back. “How’s Kody doing?”


She pursed her lips. “You don’t have to hang out here with me. You probably have better things to do.”

Was she trying to get rid of me? Probably. I had a Kody-free night. If I were smart, I’d find a willing chick, and I’d enjoy some improper Vegas activities, instead of forcing my company on Lacey.

She tapped her finger against her glass. “I haven’t talked to you in a long time.”

Had we ever really talked? “You haven’t been out in a long time. At least not with Ghost Parker.”

“I’ve been keeping it pretty low-key lately. I broke up with my boyfriend, Theo, a few months ago. Yes, I tried the whole boyfriend thing. It didn’t stick very well.” She laughed it off, but she seemed sad.

Fuck. I did not want to see her sad. “I tried the whole dating thing, too. Josie set me up on blind dates with some girls. It was horrible.”

Her eyes widened with surprise. “Josie? The granny nanny?”

“Yeah.” I laughed. “It went about as well as you’d imagine it would go.”

“Were they ... uh, older women that she set you up with?”

“One was a 40-year-old virgin, ape-sex voyeur. The other was a 26-year-old mother of four, who had sex in the bathroom stall of Pop ‘Em Possum with an employee for a free bucket of tokens while I held her baby.”

Jesus, her sweet peal of laughter had my dick twitching.

“No way!” She pushed out between laughs. “She cuckolded you? On the first date?”

I grumbled a bit. “She didn’t cuckold me.”

She was gasping for air. “You watched her have sex with another man on your date! While you were holding her baby! That’s being super-cuckolded. Holy shit, Sebastian!”

I shot her a look of surprise. Nobody called me Sebastian; not even my mother anymore. Only when Kaylie was mad at me did she occasionally call me that.

Lacey abruptly stopped laughing and couldn’t meet my eye. It must’ve slipped out, and she felt embarrassed. She called me Sebastian. Huh. And I liked it. What the fuck?

I liked Lacey. I mean, I always lusted after her and wanted to hook up with her, but I didn’t actually like her. Did I? Not with all that Sid crap. Was that jealousy? Fuck, you’re losing it, man.

I began searching through the empty bottles littering the table, desperately looking for some alcohol. “There’s no way we went through all that alcohol.” Our dedicated server had disappeared long ago and hadn’t come back to check on us in a while.

“What about that stash in your pocket?”

I gave her a cocky smirk. “You’ve been watching me, Lacey?” The smile slipped as I realized she’d probably been watching Sid.

“All night long, Archer.” She cocked a perfectly manicured eyebrow. “What are you hiding in there?”

I was disappointed that she’d dropped calling me Sebastian, but her tone was teasing. Was she flirting with me? “Absinthe. It’s a tradition for Sid’s birthday.”

“Absinthe? Let’s do a shot.”

I stopped rummaging through the empty bottles and looked at her. “It’s really potent and you’ve already been drinking. It’ll knock you on your ass.”

Her chin jutted up. “You think I can’t handle it?”

Fuck. My head was already spinning from too much alcohol, and being so close to Lacey was always disconcerting. I, a confident guy, always acted so supremely uncool around her. And now I was having all these strange thoughts about her. “Fine. We’ll do one shot. But tell me your room number now, so I’ll know it when I have to drag your ass back there later.”

“Good try, Romeo.” She made pointy circles at me with her finger. “Now pour us some absinthe.”

Shit. Did I just sound like I was trying to get into her room? See, so uncool.
