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“Hey, Knox,” I greeted him with a smile, “I’m Remi.”

He gave me a playful nudge. “Well, if it isn’t the newest member of the crew. I heard you were tagging along to cause us all sorts of trouble.”

His Scottish accent was so sexy it could melt the panties off any woman. I tried to keep my cool and not swoon whenever he spoke.

“I promise to keep the trouble to a minimum,” I joked, trying to match his playful tone.

Sid and Knox were friendly and hilarious as they joked around, a stark contrast to the intense energy I felt from Ghost.

As the minutes flew by, the drinks kept flowing and the group grew more relaxed. I found myself laughing and chatting with the guys from the band. Every single member of the band was attractive and everyone had been welcoming to me, but only one man had fully captured my attention and left me waiting in suspense for his arrival. I had to bite my tongue not to ask them where he was.

Growing edgy, I excused myself and wove my way through the throngs of people toward the bar. I desperately needed a drink. Nursing my drink, I took in the wild sight before me.

I watched as women, clad in barely-there outfits, threw themselves at the band members, vying for attention and a chance to share a moment, however fleeting, with these rock gods. Others snorted lines of white powder off glass tables, their eyes wild with reckless abandon, while others raised shot glasses high into the air before pouring the liquid down their throats.

Even as I took in the debauchery around me, my thoughts were never far from Ghost, and the undeniable chemistry that had sparked between us at our brief meeting. I couldn’t help but feel both excited and terrified at the prospect of what might unfold during my time on tour with him. And though I knew I needed to maintain my professionalism, there was an ever-growing part of me that wanted nothing more than to lose myself in the depths of his dark, mysterious world.

I couldn’t help but feel disloyal to Greyson, even though he’d broken up with me. I’d spent my entire week traveling the country, researching the pre-band lives of Ghost Parker, hoping that Grey would contact me. When I got back to L.A. I was sure he’d call me before I left to join the tour. But since that horrible day, there’d not been a single word from Greyson, and that hurt.

But I had no intention of giving up on him. I loved him. That’s why I needed to shake off the little celebrity crush I felt for Ghost. It would only get in the way of my story, anyway. My focus needed to be on getting information and not partying. I’d do my job and get back to Greyson so I could focus on fixing our relationship. I still loved him and he loved me, despite his confused feelings about his sexuality. After he’d repressed them for so long, it was no wonder they were tangled up inside him.

Tapping on the soft leather cover of my research notebook reminded me why I needed to get back into the center of the party and see if I could meet any of the crew that may have been on Ghost Parker tours in the past. My top priority was to find the ghost and steering the conversations with the crew would be easier when alcohol had loosened their tongues.

I felt him before I saw him. It was like his presence caused a ripple in the universe that I felt deep in my soul. My heart sped up as I scanned the room. It didn’t take long to spot him. He stood across the room, surrounded by adoring fans who seemed eager to bask in his presence. His damp hair clung to his forehead, his black shirt clinging to his toned torso as if it were painted on. My heart raced at the sight of him, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

He moved through the crowd, charming everyone in his path. He was like a magnet, drawing people to him effortlessly, and I found myself caught in his pull. I knew I needed to focus on my assignment, but there was something about him that made it almost impossible to resist.

As if sensing my gaze, he glanced over at me, his eyes smoldering with a dark intensity that sent shivers down my spine. I watched as he weaved his way through the party, finally stopping in front of me. The air seemed to crackle with electricity as he stood there, a wicked grin on his lips.

“Enjoying the party?” he drawled, his voice low and smooth like velvet, wrapping itself around me and pulling me closer.

I was face-to-face with the man who’d just stolen my breath and left me utterly spellbound. And as I looked into Ghost’s stormy eyes, my heart skipped a beat. The intensity I felt in them sent butterflies into a frenzied dance in my stomach, and I found myself struggling to find words. Trying to keep my voice steady, an answer to his simple question spilled out in a breathless rush. My heart hammered in my chest, and a warmth spread through me as I took in his chiseled features and dangerous aura. I knew I should be on guard, but I couldn’t help but feel drawn to him.

I tried to strike a casual air as we chatted, but I was anything but as I redirected his flirty remarks and attempted to keep the conversation professional. When Ghost laughed softly at one of my remarks, the sound made my knees weak.

An intense wave of déjà vu swept over me — this was exactly how I’d felt when I first met Greyson. The certain realization that I was extremely sexually attracted to Ghost filled me with guilt. What was wrong with me? I loved Grey, but there was an intensity in Ghost’s gaze that I couldn’t ignore, and it sent shivers of lust down my spine. I could practically feel the heat radiating between us, and a part of me ached to get closer to him.

Ghost was an enigma to me, and I wanted nothing more than to peel back the layers and uncover what he was hiding. As we spoke, fans and groupies constantly swarmed around him, attempting to steal his attention. He brushed them off politely, but it was clear he was growing increasingly irritated by the interruptions.

Just as our conversation began to flow more naturally, a woman in a slinky dress appeared and pulled Ghost away from me. Her hands were possessive as they trailed over his body. My stomach churned with unease as she led him to a dim corner of the room, not bothering to hide their actions from the partygoers.

The sight of her on her knees before him, pleasuring him so brazenly, filled me with a mixture of hurt and disgust. As if sensing my gaze, Ghost glanced over at me, his eyes cold and indifferent. It was clear he didn’t care that I was watching, and it stung more than I cared to admit. That look was like a slap in the face, and I suddenly felt very out of place in this wild scene that unfolded around me.

I felt like I had been plunged into a world I didn’t belong in, the debauchery around me suffocating and foreign. How could I ever hope to navigate this treacherous landscape and keep my heart intact?

I turned away from the ugly scene, needing to escape. As I walked away, losing myself in the crowd, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was both drawn to and repulsed by Ghost — a dangerous combination.

The pounding bass of the music vibrated in my chest as I stood there, reeling from the events that had just unfolded. Ghost’s blatant disregard for my presence left a bitter taste in my mouth, and the sea of sweaty bodies only made me feel more out of place. I tried to ignore the carnal acts happening in every corner of the room and focus on my assignment, but it was getting increasingly difficult. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, alcohol, and lust, and it was making it hard to breathe.

Trudy must have noticed me floundering.“Remi!” She shouted above the noise, waving me over. “Do you want a drink?”

“Thanks, but I’m good for now,” I replied, forcing a smile. As much as I wanted to be anywhere but here, I knew I couldn’t leave. Not when there was a story to be uncovered, secrets to reveal. I joined Trudy’s small circle of friends. “This is quite a party.”

As I continued talking with Trudy, I glanced around the room, searching for Ghost. He must have finished with the woman because I spotted him laughing with a group of fans. He must have sensed my scrutiny because our eyes locked from across the room, tripping my pulse.

His gaze held a magnetic pull that I found impossible to resist, despite the gnawing guilt and sense of shame in the pit of my stomach. The chemistry between us was palpable, and I knew that giving in to it would be a monumental mistake. And yet, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to taste his lips, to feel his strong arms wrapped around me. I found myself fascinated by Ghost, drawn in by the enigmatic aura that surrounded him. My body tingled with arousal, a burning desire that threatened to consume me, and I fought against the urge to surrender to it. It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

I forced myself to look away and rejoin the conversation with Trudy. She was talking about a big snowstorm that was supposed to come up the east coast. She was looking forward to seeing snow as the tour had not encountered any so far.
