Page 49 of Scoring the Doctor

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I let my body relax. If Reece wasn’t worried about being late, then I didn’t need to worry either. His glasses bumped against the back of my thighs as he licked me from behind.

I couldn’t help my groan of pleasure. “How did you get so good at this? How many women have you been with?”

Silence swirled. Would he reply? He didn’t like to speak about his personal life, but if he wouldn’t open up after this, then when would he?

“My ex worked as a doctor at the same hospital as me.”

“What happened with your ex?”

He spoke between hot open-mouthed kisses on my hips. “Caring for Mum took a lot of my free time.” Sadness edged his words. “I didn’t have much of that anyway with work at the hospital.”

I didn’t want to pry because every time he spoke, it meant he stopped tonguing at me, but curiosity wouldn’t allow me not to ask. There was much I wanted to know about him, and for the first time, the conversation was a two-way street.

“I’m sorry.”

“Sometimes relationships are about infatuation and poetry, but sometimes they are about actions and difficult conversations. When we hit a rough patch, she didn’t want to invest the energy to work through it. I want a partner that will stick it out with me in the long term. No matter what.”

I turned my head to watch his handsome, somber face over my shoulder. “You deserve nothing less.”

A small smile of enchantment touched his lips, but his eyes were dark and unfathomable. A pang of unease pulled at me. This was happening fast. I hadn’t even got Sean out of the house yet and I was already falling for another man. My life was chaotic. I was living in a hotel, and that paled in significance compared to the challenges I was about to face in my professional life. The news about Sean was sure to be spreading by now. I didn’t want people to be gossiping about me and Reece.

My shoulders stiffened. “How are we going to play this at work?”

He ceased his tonguing. “I don’t… I can’t… I need to figure out my next steps.”

His expression was tight and grim. It didn’t benefit either of us if people were talking about this.

“What happens if you get found out?”

“I’ll lose my license to practice.”

“You won’t be able to work as a psychologist anymore?”

“I don’t know,” he said quietly. “I don’t deserve to, anyway.”

Guilt rippled over my shoulder blades. Had I pushed him into this? I’d pursued him without considering the impact this would have on his life. A sudden pain speared my chest. Fuck. The worse part about this for me would be the gossip. It was far worse for Reece. I didn’t want that pain for him. As much as I needed him in my life, I couldn’t ruin his.

I took a breath. “I won’t tell anyone. We can stop now. You have my word that I won’t tell a soul. I’ll leave you alone.”

His expression grew still and serious. “Do you want to stop?”

“No, but this is going to ruin your life. I can’t do that to you.”

“We’ll talk about it another time. Not now.” He stroked my backside in slow circles, then dipped his head between my thighs again. “I’m busy at the moment, setting a world record for orgasms given to a football player in twenty-four hours.”

Amusement bubbled up inside of me, but his wicked tongue turned my laugh into a moan. I let my body relax and surrendered to his sure hands. Reece Forster was a man on a mission, and I was happy to help him achieve his goals.

Chapter 27


Somehow I made it to practice without being late. We’d lost count of the orgasms after a while, which was a shame because the committee awarding world records would have been impressed. The rest of the team had hit the showers, but I stayed behind to take a few more shots. I blasted a ball into the empty goal.

“Nice shot.”

Miri’s voice made me spin around. She was with Gabe and Evan Lewis—the American that I’d run away from at Gabe’s party. The back of my neck heated. I’d probably come across as rude.

Miri ran a hand over her pregnant belly and hitched her shoulder. “I’d volunteer in goal if I could, but you know…”

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