Page 25 of Scoring the Doctor

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The other girls piled on me. The final whistle blew. Hot tears pricked my eyes. A shocked laugh escaped me as my feet left the pitch and the girls hoisted me up onto their shoulders. My body filled with a lightness that could barely be contained. I could have taken off and soared above the pitch like a balloon. We were almost there. One step closer to the prize we’d worked for all season. One step closer to a dream come true.

In the shower, hot water beat down on my back. I lathered myself with foaming peppermint shower gel. My hands smoothed foaming bubbles over my stomach and the curve of my hips. My mind filled with Reece again. His smooth, elegant hands and his velvet voice crackling over my skin like electricity. Every word from his sensual mouth dripping in authority.

I slipped my hand between my thighs to soothe the desperate ache. I’d tried this before, but it always felt weird and unnatural. I shouldn’t be doing this here. The cubicle gave me privacy, but I wasn’t alone in the shower block. Still, I’d never felt this turned on before. I couldn’t let this post-win bliss go. Chatter and the hammer of the showers drifted to my ears, but I closed my eyes and blocked it out. My body sang with delight at the heat on sore muscles.

Young girls across the country had posters of my ex-boyfriend on their walls, but it wasn’t Sean I pictured touching me. It was Reece Forster. Dr. Reece Forster with his office full of books and his geeky glasses. Reece Forster with his elegant, handsome face and those full, sensual lips. He was so calm and composed. What would it be like to make him flustered?

Pleasure built as my fingers worked, imagining it was him touching me. A shiver of pleasure sparked through me. The hot throb between my thighs became torturous. I moved my fingers, experimenting with different rhythms and pressure.

My body was half fire and half ice. Breath entered my lungs in sharp pants. Hot water pounded my skin, and I was drowning in sensation—reaching the peak of a rollercoaster, so close to tipping over the edge and plummeting into God knows what lay beyond. Everything narrowed to the torturous need in me. Everything too tight and screaming for release. Whatever exquisite agony Reece Forster had put in motion couldn’t be stopped.

Breathe. Just this breath. And the next.

Blood pounded my ears. Chatter and laughter swept in to fill the white noise in my head—

“Come on, Skylar. Hurry up. City have lost two matches in a row.” Claire’s voice boomed across the cubicles. “We’ve got reporters from Sports News waiting. One more win and that cup is ours. They want an interview with you.”

I cursed under my breath with frustration. Every nerve was still too raw and tight with tension. As close as I was, this would have to wait.

“Hang on.” I turned off the shower and sagged against the cubicle wall. “I was just coming.”

Chapter 13


Later that evening, after the cooldown and the team talks and the interviews, I danced my way through Gabe’s mansion, tripping over my heels. Music pulsed in my ears. A clammy cheek pressed to mine. Jenna wrapped her arms around me in the lounge. “You fucking legend, Skylar Marshall. What a goal. You annihilated them.”

She spun me around and the party blurred in a haze of laugher and smiling faces. It was supposed to be a small get-together to celebrate, but the booze was flowing and I’d got swept up in the heady feeling after a win.

The stench of liquor engulfed me as Jenna held me close. “Where’s Sean?”

“I don’t know. Somewhere. Maybe he’ll come later.”

I took another sip of wine. Drinking was better than dealing with the constant questions about Sean’s whereabouts. Silky music mingled with laughter and drunken football chants from the girls. I needed to slow down, but I hadn’t felt this good in so long. I stumbled through the dancing throng and dropped into a seat.

My eyes were too heavy to keep open, my thoughts tumbling and foggy. I shouldn’t have pulled out my phone. I definitely shouldn’t have texted Sean. I deleted countless messages before I settled on: You’re a prick.

No reply.

I tried again. My fingers hovered. I held my breath and typed: I’m so fucking done with you, Sean. So fucking done.

At least that’s what I tried to type. The words swam in my vision. I stumbled through a crowded hallway and down another one, using the walls to support myself. The Rivers mansion was as big as a village. I needed another drink. In the kitchen, a pair of sensitive, dark eyes met mine and knocked the air from my lungs. Reece was here. Why? Didn’t he hate parties? Lana sat on the kitchen island, smiling. Just the two of them? My stomach hardened. She wasn’t serious about this stupid bet, was she? What a horrible thing to do.

“I need to talk to Reece for a minute… alone.”

My tongue felt thick and heavy in my mouth. My words came out slurred. Lana raised an eyebrow and dropped down from the island. She bumped my elbow as she sashayed past. “Don’t keep him to yourself for too long.”

I planted myself in front of him by the sink. He raised a brow. “Are you okay?”

I opened my mouth and closed it again. Now I’d have to think of a reason for my interruption.

“I thought you didn’t like parties.”

“Gabe insisted I show my face.”

“So you’re hiding in the kitchen this time? Was the library too much excitement?”

He offered me a faint smile but didn’t reply.

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