Page 88 of Blue Blood

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“Oh yes,” he sneered, “she questioned me about it.”

His square jaw clenched with pure rage, setting his features into a fiendish cast. “Didn’t I tell you what would happen if you tried to threaten me? I warned her too…I know each and everything about all of you, and I will never let any of you live in peace if you cross me. You should have known better than to stir up trouble.”

The guard's words were starting to fade.

Ana realized dully that she was losing consciousness. His grip had not slackened, not even for a second. Her throat, her arms, and her legs felt colder and colder as time passed.



But her limbs wouldn’t move. Sweat dotted her brow as she lay there immobile, sheer terror filling her when his other hand started to slide down.

“If you’re going to put me through all this trouble, I should at least get a reward…We’ll give poor Gio one more surprise before his wedding, hm?”

Ana cried out softly, the sound croaked, as her nightgown was shoved up to the tops of her thighs. No! Struggling up with a burst of energy, she kicked out again. It was weak and erratic. But she managed to jab his broad chest with her foot and then his jaw–until he reeled back. The effect was short-lived. He quickly lurched forward again to grab her chin with one hand before slamming her head back onto the ground.


Everything was spinning.

The impact, along with the earlier oxygen loss, knocked her out.

Nausea rose in her stomach, making her want to curl into herself against the unending pain. She didn’t have the strength. She couldn’t do this. Her entire body was one big pulse, throbbing so violently that it amplified the existing pain a thousand times over.


Tears rolled down her temples, past her nape.

She couldn’t hold him off anymore.

Her eyes fluttered close. In the hush, she dimly realized her neck was bare. His chokehold was gone. The guard seemed to have lost interest in holding her down once it was clear the fight had gone out of her. His hands instead began fiddling with the ties at the bust of her nightie.

Inhaling shallowly, Ana tried to focus. She swallowed more and more air discreetly and foggily scanned around the floor, through the clutter and chaos, for the object she’d had in her hand before.

Her eyes took several beats to focus in the dark.


Just behind his left foot.

Trembling, she remained deathly still as her nightgown began to loosen. The fabric abraded her skin as he pulled it apart with rough jerks, his hot breath washing over her. When his hand greedily reached into the opening, touching her bare chest, she struck out–

Trapping his hand between hers.

Before the surprise could fully register on his face, Ana reared up sharply and twisted his arm until it bent back.


His hand frantically wrested out of her grip as the other one reached for the gun in his holster. In that fumbling moment, Ana grabbed her chance and dove headfirst behind him–clawing at the ground even as he body-slammed her from behind.


The wind got knocked out of her as his weight hit her, pinning her to the ground.

But he’d only managed to reach her legs. Her upper body was free. Realizing the miscalculation, the guard tried to lurch up and crawl over her until he could hold down her arms.

But he was too late.

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