Page 110 of Blue Blood

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“He’s listed on their payroll?”

“Their records are just as bad as the wineries’.” The P.I. grimaced. “But I was able to find Lillin’s initials and year of birth on there. Nothing else. So I tracked down a sales rep, who was also at the dispensaries around that time. She remembers a guard fitting Lillin’s profile working there.”

Scrolling through his laptop, the P.I. explained that “The same initials and title appeared on Vitello’s winery payroll three years ago. So I believe Lillin moved on to working for wineries at that time before finally transferring to the Mancinis for his final five months.”

Final five months.

That was surprising. The guard must have barely started on the job when Ana had first run into him. She would have never guessed it. He’d been so cocky and bold, walking around the house as if he owned it.

“Where was he hired from?” Gio pressed. “Was he vetted through one of our security firms?”

The P.I. shook his head. “I couldn’t find him listed in any of our internal or partner firms. He looked to be a lone agent.”

Gio relaxed slightly. If their firms had been the ones to vet him, a major overhaul would have been required–and hell to pay. But if he came from the outside, circumventing the traditional recruiting pathways, there was less risk of drawing in other guards like him.

“His last employment was with the Cleveland PD.”

They were both startled by that. Even Gabi made a sound of surprise behind the camera. It wasn’t unheard of to have corrupt officers switch allegiances and come work for the Family. They often found better money here, walking on the other side of the law. But it wasn’t common.

“Seems like it was a dishonorable discharge, but no other notes that I could find.”

Gio leaned in with urgency. “Find out if any other former officer from there is working with us now,” he advised.

When the P.I. agreed and finished typing up notes for his follow-ups, he closed his laptop.

“Wait–” Gio cut in before he could leave. “Do you have a photo or ID of Lillin?”

“I think so.” He frowned. “There should be something in his police file.”

“Good. I want to make sure there was no mix-up with the body before the men leave. If you have a photo, Ana can confirm we have the right guy.”

She grew alert, fear licking through her.

When Gabi flipped the camera to focus on the laptop, Ana's breath caught as a familiar image loaded. Those thin eyes, wide jaw…watching her even through the screen. Her teeth began chattering as she felt cold all over. Blood and nightfall clouded her vision.

Gio wrapped a protective arm around her, murmuring something she could not decipher.


Before she could confirm it was him, the phone suddenly spun into the air and clattered out of view, audibly hitting the ground with a loud bang.


“Gabi?” Gio froze.

“Ma’am, are you okay?”

“What the fuck is going on?”

Ana watched helplessly as her husband released her and growled into the phone, demanding answers.

Her anxiety escalated painfully when no response came from the girl. Only the P.I. and Gio’s voices could be heard ringing in concern, repeatedly calling out her name.

After the longest, drawn-out minute, Gabi's faint sobs petered through. Almost inaudible.

“Gabi, talk to me.”

Her husband’s frame was tense, ready to attack.

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