Page 47 of Phantom

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Clarice nodded. “I’ve taken five carloads of stuff over there already. The place is furnished, and it’s looking real nice.”

“For what it’s worth, I think you’re making the right decision, for you and the girls.”

Hawk shared the same opinion. Buckley was a jackass. Literally everything came before his wife and kids, and Hawk would bet his favourite Harley that the man wasn’t wearing his wedding ring in Vegas.

“I know I am. What you said after Odette’s lucky escape really hit home. Did I want to spend another nine years waiting for the girls to leave for college before I found the courage to file for divorce?” Clarice shook her head. “Starting fresh now will be hard, but at least when I turn forty, I’ll be settled into a new life, whatever that life might be like.”

Hawk could take a guess. He’d seen the look in Eddie’s eyes when the guy talked about Clarice. A decade might have passed since they last hooked up, but he still had feelings for her. Guest house, huh?

There was no hope for Odette—she was still pining after Stu while the prick tried to wriggle out of paying child support—but Clarice had seen the light and realised that staying in a bad marriage was worse for kids than making a clean break. She’d do okay.

And so would Hawk and Agatha.

No, they’d do better than okay. There wouldn’t be kids or wedding bells, but damn, it felt good to have someone to go home to at the end of each day. To share his secrets and his life with. Some nights, he’d just lie there watching her sleep, which he’d worried she might find creepy, but one time, she’d woken up and caught him and confessed she did the same. Now, he couldn’t imagine a future without her in it. Didn’t want to. Ring or no ring, she was his, to have and fucking hold, till death do us part. Maybe he would buy her a ring. Not a wedding ring, more of an “I’ll love you until the end of time” ring.

Yeah, he’d do that. When he got back to Virginia, he’d do that.

“Starting fresh might not be as hard as you think,” Agatha said to Clarice. “And weekends will be so much more fun if you’re not looking for Buckley’s missing golf glove.”

“I hid his golf glove behind the ironing board. He’ll never find it.”

“Good for you.”

“Lose one of the clubs too,” Hawk suggested. “Only one. Fifty bucks says he won’t notice until he goes to use it.”

Clarice nodded. “Agatha, you found a good man.”

“I didn’t just find a good man; I found the best man.” Agatha grinned. “And he’s gonna ride that carousel horse like a pro.”

Fuck, he thought she’d forgotten about that, but he might be able to turn the situation to his advantage. Hawk leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“Only if you promise to ride my face later.”

The blush spread up to her ears, and “later” couldn’t come soon enough. “You drive a hard bargain.”

“Do we have a deal?”

“We have a deal.”

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