Page 36 of Phantom

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“He’s not a thug, and not until you answer the damn question.”

The guy half sighed, half yelped. “I’m Eddie, okay? A friend of Clarice’s.”

“Oh, really? Why did you take her daughter without her knowledge?”

“She knows. I sent her a message.”

“Then explain why she’s searching the hotel for Chastity right now.”


“You shouldn’t say that word,” Chas told him.

Eddie blew out a breath. “I’ll explain, I swear. Just get this ass— jerk to let go of my arm.”

I nodded to Hawk, and he released his grip. Eddie wouldn’t get far. Firstly, Chas was still hanging onto his waist, and secondly, Hawk might have been big, but he was also fast, and he’d chase Eddie down like a lion hunting a warthog.

Possibly with more bloodshed.

The guy crouched down to my niece’s eye level. “Chas, do you want a pony ride?”

“Yes, but I don’t like that man.” She glared at Hawk. “He’s mean.”

“It’s okay, kiddo. I just need to talk with these folks for a few minutes. You have your tokens?”

“Of course I do. Can we still go to the Shetland show? You pinky promised, and you can’t break a pinky promise.”

“We’ll pick out our seats right after your pony ride.”

The hell they would. But I knew the basics of interviewing a suspect, and building rapport was important. I kept myself between Eddie and Chas as we headed over to the pony rides, and Hawk brought up the rear. I trusted him to have my back. When we got closer, Chas ran on ahead to join the line, clearly familiar with how things worked at this place. I turned to Eddie.

“Okay, pal, you’re up. Talk.”

This story had better be good.



Instead of confessing his sins right away, Eddie settled onto a bench overlooking the dirt arena where teenagers were leading kids—mainly girls Chas’s age—around on half a dozen ponies. Chas turned to wave, and after Eddie had waved back, she began chatting with a girl wearing a pink cowboy hat who was waiting ahead of her.

“Figures that it’s you who showed up. Clarice always said you were the smart one.”

“She did?”

“You’re an FBI agent, right?”

“Former FBI agent. I moved into the private sector.”

“Probably more money there. Less stress.” Eddie reached into his pocket, and Hawk grabbed his arm before I’d even registered what was happening. “Easy. I just need to look at my phone.”

“No sudden movements, got it?” Hawk warned.

“Were you an FBI agent too?”


When Hawk didn’t elaborate, Eddie shrugged, then pulled out his phone and scrolled through the messages.

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