Page 28 of Phantom

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This time, there was nothing sexy about Hawk’s groan.

Did my sisters have to ruin everything? Okay, okay, I understood that Clarice had no idea what we were doing just a few feet away, but her sense of timing was terrible.

“I have a headache,” she said.

“Take a Tylenol.”

“I’m still not in the mood, all right?”

“The girls are asleep. I locked the connecting door.”

“Don’t you ever listen to a word I say? I’m tired, and the day’s been quite bad enough already with Aggie and Odette and those damned flowers.”

“Are you saying that sex with me is bad?”


A long pause. “Of course not, darling.” Clarice’s voice turned placating. “Okay, fine. But I’m exhausted, so you’ll have to be quick.”

The balcony door closed, and I let out a quiet snort. There was trouble in paradise? If Clarice hadn’t spent the past decade taking so much joy in telling me how awful my life was, I might have felt a modicum of sympathy.

“Way to kill the mood,” Hawk muttered.


“Not your fault your sisters came from the shallow end of the gene pool.”

“Only two more days, and then we can go home. Uh, do you want to stay over on Monday night?”

“I want to stay over every night.”

“I’ll clear you some closet space.”

Plus I’d have to buy more towels, and pick up whatever Hawk liked to eat for breakfast, and get a spare key made because if he was pretty much living there, it would be weird if he kept picking the locks. And—

“Stop,” he ordered.

“Stop what?”

“Overthinking. Whatever you’re worrying about, it doesn’t matter tonight.”


“Stop apologising and kiss me.”

I was only too happy to comply.



Six a.m. on The Big Day, and I was awoken by my phone buzzing. Not my work phone—an emergency would have been a blessed relief—but my personal phone. Hawk propped himself up on one elbow and brushed the hair out of my eyes.

“What’s up?” he asked once I’d read the message.

I glanced at the tented sheet. “You?”

That suggestive smirk would be mine every morning from now on. How lucky was I?

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