Page 2 of Phantom

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“She’s not going with you, asshole.”

The guy jumped out of the car. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I heard you and your buddies talking, and if I ever see you in this bar again, you’re gonna lose teeth. You don’t treat women that way.”

What way? The criticism was a bit rich coming from the man currently holding me in a vise-like grip. If it had been anyone other than Hawk, I’d have been rooting through my purse for my stun gun, but…but… It was Hawk. Back then, he’d just joined Blackwood’s Investigations team in the aftermath of a hellish case, and every time I saw him in the office, I had to press my thighs together. Hawk was hot. Incendiary. Six feet of brooding muscle topped by dirty-blond hair and dimples that didn’t match his usual scowl.

I was about to tell him it was fine, that I was up for a one-night stand and I’d gotten into the car voluntarily, when the guy stammered out an apology, climbed into the driver’s seat, and took off without another word. Only then did Hawk’s grip loosen.

“What the hell?” I demanded.

“You’re welcome, babe.”

I twisted in his arms and shoved at his chest. “You’re such a jackass. All I wanted was a non-self-induced orgasm, and you just ruined that.”

“That motherfucker was never gonna make you come. He was only in it for himself.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Based on what? His BMW? His button-down shirt? The fact that he bought me drinks? I know you just attended a behavioural analysis course, but you’re taking the judgmentalness way too far.”

Judgmentalness? Was that even a word? Well, it was now.

“Based on the fact that he and his buddies were having an in-depth discussion on stealthing and the best way to go about it.”

Stealthing? I froze. “And you think…”

“Yeah, I do.”

Stealthing—a man surreptitiously removing the condom during sex—had been on the rise recently. Blackwood had even been hired to hunt down one perpetrator after his victim found herself pregnant after a ten-minute mistake in a nightclub bathroom. And that could have been me. Not the bathroom part, but the rest. I sagged in Hawk’s arms and murmured an apology.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I called you a jackass, but why are men such assholes?”


I couldn’t argue with that.

“Dating is a minefield, and even the path to a one-night stand is littered with IEDs. Is one tiny orgasm really too much to ask?”

One corner of his lips twitched. “I don’t date, but I can help out with the orgasm.”

It took a long moment for his words to filter in. “W-w-what?”

“Five minutes, and I’ll have you gasping my name.”



Was Hawk serious? He was actually serious, wasn’t he? My heart began hammering, and that ache between my legs returned with a vengeance. Possibly once or twice, I’d dreamed about this man, and maybe, just maybe, I’d touched myself in the process. Now he was offering to do it for me?

“Make a decision, Agatha. Yes or no?”

He seemed indifferent, as if he were offering me a cup of coffee or a donut, not a life-changing experience. And make no mistake, it would change my life. How could it not? Would things get awkward when I saw him around the office? Would he tell his friends about me, spread rumours that I was a slut?

I pinched my eyes shut. No, no, this wasn’t the FBI. Unlike Special Agent Briggs, Hawk wasn’t a gossip. He was a man of many secrets; everyone knew that. And if I turned down his offer, I’d always regret letting cowardice win yet again.

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