Page 25 of Wrecked

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My brows furrow, and it’s hard to hide the surprise on my face. I was expecting a lecture, not concern over Juliet.

I type out a quick response before leaning back in the seat.

Ryan: She’s home. I’m headed back to the hotel.

Anger is still pulsating through my veins, and I can’t stop it.

I slam my fist into the empty seat next to me and let out a curse, “Fuck!”

The driver ignores my show of rage, and I’m grateful for it.

It takes every single ounce of self-control not to tell the driver to take me back to the club on the off chance that the asshole is still waiting outside to be picked up. I’d love a few minutes in a locked room with the fucker.

Or to turn straight around and take me back to Juliet’s apartment so I can watch over her. But there’s no way she’d allow that.

I may not know much about Juliet, but I feel strangely protective over her already. Hell, if I hadn’t been pulled off the guy, there is a good chance I would have beaten him to a pulp.

Or killed him.

Chapter Fifteen


There were two things that made Monday morning almost unbearable. The first was the sight of the deep bruises left by the drunk man at the club when I got out of the shower. It was a harsh reminder of just how close I had come to a situation that would have changed my life forever. The second was the fear that somehow news of what happened that night would get out, and then my professional reputation would be ruined before it had even really begun.

I could already see the headlines.

Chaotix frontman Ryan Knox gets in a fight at a local club during a drunken night out with new publicist

Yeah. That would be a fantastic way to start out my career. Rock stars getting caught up in drunken brawls was nothing new, but throw in that bit about his publicist? You know, the person who is supposed to prevent things like that from happening? The person whose one true goal is to steer clients clear of bad publicity? Not a good look.

Thankfully, and also miraculously, there was absolutely no sign of a story anywhere. It was as if the horrible event had never even occurred and that was perfectly fine with me.

The one saving grace of the day was the look on Valerie's face when she found out I'd landed the account for Acton PR. Not only that, but that I had been taken out by the band to celebrate. I could have sworn I saw actual smoke come out of her ears when Max announced the news to the entire office.

On Tuesday a large bouquet of roses was delivered to the office. There was no hiding my surprise when I saw the note scratched out on the attached card.

Thanks for being the best wing woman. - Ant

P.S. Neil didn’t help even though he thinks he did.

The gesture was kind, and I knew it was his way of making sure I was okay.

Our next meeting with Olivia was scheduled for Friday, and I'd spent every waking hour preparing for it. Now that we officially represented Chaotix, there was so much to do that it made my head spin. My days at work were spent either brainstorming with the senior account managers or locked in my new office furiously drafting proposals.

It was a three month tour, slated to begin in Washington and finish up in Dallas. There were multiple stops along the way, which meant coordinating everything from venues to promoting ticket sales. We needed to map out press junkets, promo opportunities, transportation, and security. There was so much involved, so many tiny moving pieces to make sure this was a success.

When Friday finally rolled around, I took my place at the conference table and patiently waited for Olivia to arrive. When she finally did, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed to see that she was alone this time.

She made a beeline for me and wrapped me in a tight hug. "There's my favorite budding PR queen!"

I can't help but smile at her words. "And there's my favorite manager; good to see you again, Olivia."

Valerie's disdain at our interaction was palpable. "Miss Alton, I hope your drive was a pleasant one."

Olivia nodded and found her way to a seat opposite us. Her dismissive demeanor towards Valerie brought a sense of sick pleasure to me, though I'd never admit it out loud.

Max lit up when he greeted Olivia, and we wasted no time getting into the meat of our discussion.

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