Page 60 of Steel

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“Please tell me you got that recording,” Kai said between groans as Steel helped him to his feet, biting back a curse when his knee protested.

“I don’t know.”


“I didn’t stay to hear it. I went straight after you.”

“You what?”

He didn’t get to answer before Kai pulled him down for a kiss. His lips were too cold, but he still savored it.

“You’d better have that damned recording,” Kai muttered.

He wrapped his left arm around Kai’s waist and kept his gun in his right. Kai was still holding the knife and he was about to tell him to drop it because he needed to keep pressure on that wound when the floor creaking had them both freezing.

A man he suspected was Isaac appeared in the doorway, gun aimed at Kai.

“You think I’d just let you leave?”

He had a bleeding wound down the side of his face and blood was dripping onto the floor from somewhere under his shirt.

“You think you get to fuck everything up and just walk away?” Isaac growled, shaking with anger.

“Fuck you,” Kai snapped, and before either of them could get a shot off, Kai’s knife went flying across the room.


They were both wounded. Isaac and him. He’d gotten the knife first and made that slash across Isaac’s face when he’d gone for it. Then they’d both gotten cuts he feared were too deep.

He’d thrown Isaac off him and run as fast as he could with that painful twinge in his thigh. When he’d reached the front door, he’d heard gunshots outside and turned down the hall and went into one of the bedrooms.

He’d heard his name called and had bumped into the nightstand and slid to the floor, unable to get back up or move. He’d thought being mortally wounded meant that you weren’t supposed to feel anything, but fuck, if he did. That shit hurt like a mother. It burned like crazy. So much so that he’d prefer being on fire.

Now, there they were. Steel’s arm around him, keeping him up, and Isaac in front of them. He wasn’t about to let Isaac hurt Steel. Not a fucking chance.

He sent that knife flying and while he would have much preferred to aim for Isaac’s face, he was limited not only by his injuries but by his position across from Isaac.

The knife hit Isaac in the shoulder, making him drop his gun with a howl. A shot went off. Then another.

A bullet struck Isaac between the eyes, and he’d never felt as much satisfaction as he did when he watched Isaac’s body hit the floor. Relief flooded him and nearly made him forget the pain.

“Fuck,” Steel groaned.

Kai snapped his head toward him, breath stuttering when he saw the pained expression on Steel’s face.

“What’s wrong?”

“Ricochet,” Steel said and motioned with his chin toward his arm. There was a line of blood across the sleeve. Isaac’s gun had gone off when it hit the floor. The bullet must’ve hit Steel.

Steel was still holding onto Kai tightly with his left arm which was probably a good idea. He would’ve keeled over otherwise.

“It’s just a flesh wound,” Steel said.

He would’ve rolled his eyes if he wasn’t so worried. Flesh wound or not, he hated that Steel had gotten hurt because of him.

Nic appeared in the doorway, making them jump which also resulted in pained groans from them both.

“Jesus,” Nic muttered.
