Page 40 of Zero

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“How did that happen?” Zero asked.

“Gillies kept showing up and someone was snitching. It was almost like clockwork in the end. A day or two after a visit, someone would get caught doing something they shouldn’t. A few guys got thrown in solitary. A few things happened on the outside, too.”

“Let me guess,” Zero said, anger flashing through his eyes. “Those guys were some of the big players.”

Jack nodded. “Scary motherfuckers. They blamed me.”

“How did they know you were meeting with a cop?”

“They own a few of the COs. Chatty assholes. The Russians decided it had to be me, so they made a move. If Ricky hadn’t gotten involved when he did that shiv would’ve gone in way deeper.”

“You could’ve died,” Zero said with a shaky voice.

He grabbed Zero’s hand and squeezed.

“I could have but I didn’t.”

“Because of Ricky.”

“Yeah. Even the Ruskies were afraid of him so when he decided to take me under his wing, they steered clear.”

“Did he tell you why he did that?”

Jack shook his head and said, “Never asked. I just figured he wanted a friend.”

Zero pressed his lips together while he ran his eyes over Jack, a contemplating look on his face.

“Or, perhaps, he was the snitch.”

He blinked at Zero.

“I never considered that,” he muttered.

Zero shrugged, then said, “Would make sense if he was a snitch with a conscience. Didn’t want someone innocent to take the fall.”

“And the only way he’d know I was innocent…”

“Yeah,” Zero said on a sigh.

Jack dropped his head into his hands.

How had he never thought of that? How had he never seen it? It was so fucking obvious. Ricky had the perfect cover. They were all terrified of him and no one would ever suspect him of snitching.


Jack stared off into space with a blank expression on his face.


“I just…” Jack sighed, shaking his head. He looked up at Zero with pleading eyes. “Just take my mind off it?”

He nodded. He could do that.

He grabbed the hem of Jack’s T-shirt and pulled it up. Jack raised his arms to help. He let the shirt fall to the floor, then pushed Jack to lie back on the bed.

Jack propped himself onto his elbows and smirked at him.

He shrugged out of his shirt and met Jack’s gaze, not surprised to find a spark of lust in those astonishingly green eyes.
