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It was twisted and screwed up, but it was what he was going to do to ensure his club and the men within it were safe, that no one was going to get the upper hand on the MC.

Fury had never been one to jump headfirst and think later, but he was certainly doing it this time around.

If nothing came from this and it was all in his head, he would deal with that.

But until then, until he knew for sure what in the hell was going on, he was going to fucking do this.

He needed leverage, backup, and she would ensure that if shit got dark, he’d have a pawn. The woman would be what he would use.

Hell, everything he’d been feeling, seeing, could be totally unrelated to the Cardonas and be all about someone from Fury’s past coming to get payback, which was a possibility given the life Fury led. There were plenty of people who wanted a piece of him, to get back, get even.

He’d burnt a lot of bridges in his day.

Or it might all be nothing.

He’d already taken off his cut, but he put a baseball cap on his head, pulled up the lapels on the jacket he’d thrown on, and walked across the street, following the woman. He couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t easy on the eyes.

She was. In fact, she was fucking gorgeous, with a curvy body that had him thinking pretty dirty fucking thoughts.

He might not know exactly what he’d do with Angelina Cardona once he had her, but he wasn’t thinking that far in advance.

The only thing he was focused on was making sure he had leverage if her father, Sal, somehow came back from the dead.

Angelina slowly opened her eyes, her mascara feeling like it was clumped in her eyelashes, like she couldn’t get her eyes opened wide enough because of it. The first thing she realized was that she was in a bedroom.

The shades were closed, but she could see the sun shining through them. She tried to move, but when she realized she was immobile, she looked down. Her legs were bound together, and her hands were above her head, tied to the headboard.

She struggled to get her hands free, but a gasp of pain left her as the rope that was used to bind her hands dug into her skin, abrading the flesh.


Silence greeted her.

“Help,” she screamed out, struggling harder, gritting her teeth against the pain. Angelina tried to recall what in the hell happened and how she’d gotten here. “Help,” she cried out again. She glanced around, but aside from the bed and a worn looking dresser, there wasn’t anything in the room.

She tried to think of how she’d gotten here, and it was during that mind strain that she remembered someone coming up from behind her, placing a rag over her mouth, and then everything had gone dark.

She heard the sound of heavy boots coming closer to the closed door. She held her breath, her entire body tensing.

Sweat started to drip down her face and the back of her neck, also sliding down the valley between her breasts.

Had her father found her? Was it his men who had done this to her? It wasn’t Sal’s normal move, but it had been months since she’d spoken to her father, and she knew desperate times made people do twisted things.

She could hear the thumping of her heart beating wildly, and as she watched the door handle turn, she felt the rise of fear.

Angelina had lived a life that was filled with violence and danger. She was used to knowing fear was something that held people in check, but she’d always been surrounded by others who wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

But Angelina had hated that life, and that was why she’d left, run from it all and was laying low.

The door pushed open, and she felt her eyes widen at the beast of a man standing in the threshold. She thought her father and his men had been big, but this man, who wore a pair of loose fitting worn-in jeans, a dark T-shirt, and a biker leather vest, was by far the largest man she’d seen.

On his vest, the name “Fury” was stitched into a patch on one side of the leather.

The power and strength that came from him frightened her to the point she felt her hands shake in their bonds.

He didn’t say anything but did bring his bottle of beer to his mouth and take a long drink from it as he watched her intently.

Angelina started to hyperventilate when he took a step closer. He set the bottle on the dresser, watching her the whole time.

“What do you want? Why am I here?” She tried moving back on the bed, but being bound only allowed her to bend her knees.

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