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I felt the wonder and awe of the connection between us, the strength of the bond we were solidifying that day, and a sense of responsibility I never thought I would as I stood at the end of the aisle. Created from a custom runner and flower petals through the backyard, it led me right to the gazebo.

There was no question where we were going to hold the ceremony when we started planning the wedding. I’d fallen in love with that gazebo as soon as I saw it, and I couldn't imagine anywhere else to exchange vows with Ryan. Lights tucked into the rafters made it look like it was glowing, and flowers and vines draped around the sides created the perfect backdrop, but I couldn't see it anymore as soon as I stepped onto the aisle and started down toward him.

All I could see was Ryan. Our eyes met and held as I made my way toward him. I didn't have anyone to give me away. I'd considered asking Marvin to as the oldest male figure in my life but changed my mind just before asking him. I'd overcome so much to reach this moment. It felt more significant to be on my own, giving myself away.

We'd decided not to have bridesmaids or groomsmen. We wanted it to be just us beneath the gazebo. Instead, we had important people to us read passages and sing during the ceremony so they were a part of it with us.

I felt like I was drifting above the earth during the ceremony. I hoped I would never forget the way it felt for Ryan to hold my hands in his as we exchanged vows or the moment he slipped the ring onto my finger and kissed me for the first time as his wife.

We laughed and cheered as we went back up the aisle, each of us leaning down to kiss Leo in Tamara's arms as we went. We got a few moments alone together to breathe and exchange I love yous before the photographer came to start snapping pictures.

I could completely understand now why Tamara had told me to relax and eat that morning. The rest of the night was such a whirlwind, from the cocktail hour around the firepit to going inside for the main reception. Each of the rooms downstairs was carefully themed, featuring decorations, food, and drinks that fit with that particular room. It encouraged the guests to mingle, talking and celebrating. Ryan and I kept moving, barely stopping at any moment as we greeted our guests and accepted congratulations. It felt like a dream, like I had to be living someone else's life right then. There was no way I could have something this incredible.

Finally, it was time to cut the cake and make our toast. The wedding coordinator came up to us with glasses, and two waiters followed behind. One poured champagne into Ryan's glass while the other filled mine with sparkling grape juice, just as I’d asked. I thanked them and caught a hopeful, curious look in Ryan's eye. He didn't say anything until after the toast, after the cake, and after we ran out to a waiting car beneath a cascade of bubbles.

The driver swept us to the hotel where we would spend the night for time to ourselves, and when we were finally alone together, he pulled me into his arms.

"Did you toast with grape juice?" he asked.

I nodded. "I did."

"And Carmella mentioned she thought you were drinking decaf this morning rather than regular coffee."

"I was," I said.

He squeezed me a little closer, hesitating to say the next thing on his mind like he didn't want to risk being wrong.

"Is there a reason for that?" he asked.

I smiled and looped my arms around his neck.

"We're having another baby."

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, he let out a gleeful cheer and swept me up to spin me around in celebration. I clung to my new husband, laughing and crying, filled with so much emotion I thought I would never be the same. And I hoped I wouldn't. After everything, I couldn't believe how wonderful my life finally was. Now I knew for absolute sure that all the struggle was definitely worth it.

The End
