Page 16 of Blaire

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I step around so I can see Maksim's face—and also to get out of Charlie's line of vision.

Maksim nods at me.

“Things are running like clockwork,” I lie. Now is not the time to confess that I'm not only failing to attain fifteen minutes, but behind schedule.

“Good.” A devious grin reaches Charlie's eyes. He looks me up and down, leisurely and with intent. “Hmmm, I like what you're wearing.”

Oh, of course he does. My combat outfit is tight and black, covering every inch of my small frame but my face.

I think my cheeks heat up but I don't show a reaction—well, not deliberately.

James is wearing the same, but I doubt Charlie will compliment him.

“Can you breathe in those trousers?” he teases.

I shoot him a wolfish glare and he winks at me.

I press my teeth together. Why does this bastard have to provoke me?

Rumo and Umberto lewdly compliment my clothes too, saying what dirty things they'd like to do to me, if they were allowed.

“That was a private joke,” Charlie says, and the room submerges in silence.

I peer over at James. He's staring at me, baffled beyond belief.

“So, Maksim...” Charlie says after having a sip of his brandy, “about your offer to see Blaire in action...”

James and I look at each other—this is about the only communication we achieve in Maksim's company.

“In action?” Umberto's eyes light up. “Are we to enjoy a... a fuck show?” He hesitates to say the words, I assume because he's remembering what happened last night.

“No...” Maksim says in a deep note, lifting a hand. “No one is fucking my little pet.”

“No, they're not,” Charlie says.

Maksim blinks at him. James and I blink at each other. Charlie's presence is so intense—it's like walking on fire.

“So, what show?” Umberto asks, seeming at a loss with a stupid expression on his wrinkly face.

“Maksim was telling me Blaire is a good fighter,” Charlie elaborates, speaking with his hands. “He offered to show me just how skilled a fighter she is.”

I detest how he addresses Maksim, especially in front of his friends.

“Oh, I see.” Umberto emphasizes that he's never seen a girl battle with such raw fighting skills. “She's like a fucking cheetah she's so quick. You never said she was fighting tonight, Maksim-Markov?”

“I was waiting on Charlie,” he says. “It is a surprise.”

My heart drums in my ears. I'm not often nervous but I don't often have time to get my head around having a fight. I usually do,rather than think.

“Why don't we retire to the ballroom?” Rumo says, rubbing his hands together. “There is plenty of space for her to fight. We should bet?” Everyone concurs, then Rumo adds, “I've never seen Blaire fight before but Carl has told me she's good.”

“That's because she is,” Carl says, though he doesn't sound as animated as the others.

Nonetheless, Rumo grins. “Well, then let us get a move on.”


Chairs scrape against the wooden floors as everyone stands up from the table, including Charlie. He’s getting on my last nerve with all this curious bullshit. I'm desperate to ask Maksim if I can fight him just so I can kick his ass.
