Page 9 of Changing Grades

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As I start to move, she moves with me. My first few movements are slow and even, but when her pussy clamps down on me and her nails dig into my back, I can’t hold back any longer. I fuck her, moving harder and faster with each stroke until the sound of our skin slapping together is almost louder than my woman’s moans.

We chase. We pull. We seek. We find.

“Come, Starshine,” I growl, and she does. Like a fucking goddess.

Only when she starts to come down do I give in to what my own body demands of me. I pump rope after rope of my cum into the condom, kissing her as I do. We share breaths while coming down from our pleasure high, but also something so much more profound.

It’s possible she can’t see it yet, but I do. Our future is right there for the taking, stretching out before us. I was from the wrong side of the tracks back in the day and she was far too good for me, probably still is, but somewhere along the way something changed, and our paths merged. I’ll show her I’m the man for her because she’s mine and that’s all there is to it.



It’s been a few days since my date with Griffin and it feels like he’s taken up a huge space in my life, an empty spot I didn’t even realize was there. We haven’t been able to see each other since waking up together the morning after our date, but we’ve been texting and talking as much as possible. It’s kind of strange having someone other than Callie in my life.

I haven’t allowed myself to dwell on letting Griffin into my life because I don’t want to overthink it or jinx it. At least, I was doing a good job of that, but today it was like I couldn’t shake it. I’m full of doubts and worries.

Normally I only worry about Callie, but now I’m worried about what this next part of my life looks like and if it’s real. Or is it too good to be true?

Callie is a part of my worrying since I don’t have the first clue how to introduce Griffin and Callie. I’ve never considered how I would bring someone into her life because being in a relationship wasn’t even a blip on my radar. Now it’s more than a blip.

I know eventually I have to get them together and see what happens. That’s a whole other fear filled with swirling questions.

Will Callie like him? Will he be the man I think he can be to her? Will the reality of having her in his life not live up to whatever he thinks is going to happen?

I can’t be with a man who won’t accept my daughter. It’s not even a question. If it doesn’t go well with the two of them then there’s no future here.

The thought of not having Griffin in my life makes my chest ache like there’s a giant gaping hole right in the center. Which is kind of strange considering we’ve only been on one date. Still, I can’t ignore how much I hate the thought of not being with him.

That’s a good sign, right? A sign we should be together? Or am I just so desperate that I’ve latched onto the first seemingly good man who has come along?

I let out a big sigh and the sound of my mom’s amused chuckle has me snapping my gaze up to look at her. Honestly, mentally, I wasn’t even in her living room while Callie is off somewhere doing something, probably on the phone I got her for her birthday last year.

She’ll be 12 right before Halloween and it hasn’t hit me yet. The first few birthdays with her were hard because it felt like I was losing my little baby, and I was, but I also knew it was the natural order of things. Now, it won’t be long until she’s forging her own life and it’s hitting me in a whole new way.

“You’ve been sighing quite a bit today.” Mom studies me, her eyes gentle and her voice filled with curiosity, not concern or judgement, “Is this about the guy you went on a date with? Want to talk about it?”

I look around, stalling while also making sure Callie isn’t close by to listen to the conversation. I’ve been very vague with my daughter when it comes to Griffin, which has felt wrong in so many ways. But also right because I’m her mom and I’ll always protect her.

Even from my own decisions.

“He’s great, Mom,” I admit softly. She nods as if pushing me gently to continue. “Is it possible he’s too great?”

Mom throws her head back and laughs which has me letting out an annoyed huff. She waves her hand as she gets herself under control. “If you think a man is too great then I definitely need to meet him.”

“You know what I mean,” I defend. “He’s perfect. He’s smart and driven. He renovated the house he lives in and it’s gorgeous.”

It is too and I could picture myself and Callie living there. It was a thought I shouldn’t have had, but once it was there it was like it wedged its way deeper into my mind. Callie would love it, especially the huge kitchen because she’s always loved cooking with me. The kitchen in our townhouse is a galley style and there is nothing top of the line when it comes to the appliances, not like Griffin’s kitchen which looks like a showroom dream.

Complete with the clean lines and classic look of white subway tile as a backsplash.

The kitchen is just one piece of the larger beautiful house picture.

“It’s okay to want it to work out and be scared,” Mom’s words are soft, but weighted.

“I don’t want to get hurt. Not again.” I glance toward where Callie probably is in the house. “I don’t want Callie to get hurt either.”

“Sienna,” there’s a hint of that mom voice in her words, “you can’t keep hiding away from life because of what the sperm donor for your amazing child did and said.” I freeze and swallow hard.

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