Page 18 of Changing Grades

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I won’t get nearly enough time with her.

When I look up as Sienna’s mom cuts the cake and starts passing it out, Sienna catches my eye. There’s a knowing look there, as if she can read my mind. Maybe she can.

The soft smile she gives me tells me everything is going to be okay.

How does she do this? How has she let go in little increments as Callie has grown up? How does she not resent it?

My Starshine leans closer to me and whispers, “It’s not easy to do, but it’s the order of things.”

Fucking hell, did I air my worries and fears out loud or has my woman just gotten that good at reading me? When she winks at me, I have my answer.

Not giving a single fuck who is in the room with me, I gently grasp her chin and kiss my woman, needing her sweetness, needing her to remind me that right here and now is where I am.

Callie starts to giggle, and I glance over at her when I pull back from Sienna to find her cheek smeared with a little icing. Everyone is looking at us with fond affection. This is family.

Callie opens some more presents as everyone has some cake and I start to worry about what I got her. It’s not exactly something you can put a bow on, and I hope she likes it. I hope Sienna doesn’t think it’s too much or tells me I’ve stepped over the line with it either.

Fear grips me, but I keep a smile on my face as plates get cleaned up, brightly colored papers are tossed in the trash, and the grandparents of the birthday girl, which now includes my mom, give hugs and well wishes on their way out the door. Now it’s my turn to give Callie her gift and I’m nervous as hell about it. Granted, Sienna’s mom knows what I did, because I needed her help with a few things, and thought it was a great idea. That doesn’t mean my girls will like it.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You haven’t opened my present,” I pretend to pout and Callie laughs as she gets up from the table where she was looking at the diary she got from Sienna, complete with a lock and key.

Callie wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a squeeze. “You didn’t need to get me a present. This has been the best birthday already.” Her smile turns shy. “I really like your mom.”

“Well, she loves you,” I tell her honestly. “And of course I had to get you a present. I hope you like it.” I glance at my Starshine before I add, “I hope you both like it.”

“Are you hiding it somewhere? Is this like a treasure hunt?”

I laugh at how sneaky Callie sounds, and it helps some of the tension fall away. I unwrap Callie’s arms from my neck and stand up. I offer her a hand and she doesn’t hesitate to slip hers in. When I do the same to Sienna, the same thing happens.

“Bring your wreath,” I tell her which earns me a suspicious look from both my girls.

I lead them upstairs to what used to be a guest room. It’s not anymore. There’s a hook on the middle of the door because I knew my mom would make Callie a wreath. My mom has embraced her craft room andallthe crafts since she’s retired, but wreathes are some of her favorites to make, especially as gifts.

I gently take the wreath out of Callie’s hand and hang it on the door. Sienna squeezes my hand and when I look down at her, she’s giving me a searching look. I give a squeeze back.

“Go ahead, Callie.” I nod toward the door. “This is for you.”

Callie doesn’t hesitate to open the door and I’m not sure what the gasp that comes out of her means. She steps into the room, taking in the light turquoise walls, the brand-new bed, complete with bedding, the bean bag chairs and small reading nook, and the vanity all set up for her. I got some help from Sienna’s mom when it came to getting her some outfits so she would have some here already along with some books for the shelves. She also let me know about Callie’s favorite colors.

I guess this isn’t just a surprise for Callie. Sienna is frozen next to me, and my heart starts to pound in my chest.

I clear my throat and Callie whirls around with tears in her eyes. “I wanted to give you a space here that is all yours. A place where you feel comfortable. There are some outfits in the closet for you, just in case. I want to give you,” I look at Sienna to see a few tears trailing over her cheeks which causes my words to come faster, “both options. If you come over here for dinner, I didn’t want you to have to rush off. I hope you like it. I hope it’s not too much,” I direct the last part to Sienna, worry filling me.

Callie doesn’t say anything and neither does Sienna. It has my heart sinking and I look down at the floor. Uncertainty fills me at what I should do now. Before I can backtrack or, I don’t even know what, I feel arms wrap around me. Sienna and Callie’s arms.

“You gave me a room in your house,” Callie’s voice is strained. “Thank you. I love it.”

“It’s not just my house. You are welcome here. Always,” I rasp the words.

Sienna sniffs and pulls back, wiping the tears from her cheeks. She looks at her daughter with so much love. “Since your backpack is in the car, do you want to stay here tonight? That bed looks pretty comfy.”

“Really?” Callie gives me a squeeze before hugging her mom. “I’d love to.”

Sienna nods and kisses Callie’s forehead. “Don’t forget to brush your teeth before bed and if you want to go down and grab your presents, you can.”

“Love you,” Callie practically shouts before going over and diving onto one of the beanbag chairs before she runs her finger along the books.

I’m not sure who she’s talking to, but it doesn’t matter. I soak up her words.

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