Page 16 of Changing Grades

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If I teach her anything, I hope it’s that. I hope she’ll look at the way I feel about her mom and want the same for herself.

Callie has been quiet for a few minutes as we wait for the first batch of pancakes to cook. I almost drop the spatula when she blurts, “Do you love Mom?”

“Callie,” I rasp and clear my throat. She’s looking at me with the hazel eyes she shares with Sienna, and I know nothing less than the truth is going to work here. “I love her so much. I can’t even put it into words.” Callie smiles at me as her eyes turn a little glassy. “I love you too, sweet girl. You are so easy to love, the same as your mom.” I chuckle softly and flip the first pancake. “You know, when we were in high school, I had a crush on your mom. I thought she was the prettiest girl I’d ever seen. That hasn’t changed at all. When I saw her at the reunion, I knew she was the woman for me. I wish I would have taken a chance when we were in school, but I can’t regret it because then she wouldn’t have had you and I wouldn’t trade you for anything.”

A gasp from the doorway of the kitchen has us turning to find Sienna standing there, her hand covering her mouth and her eyes wide. I don’t see fear there, which is a relief, but I wasn’t planning to tell her how I feel by her overhearing it. Doesn’t make it any less true.

Callie doesn’t miss a beat and chirps, “Mom. We’re making pancakes for breakfast. I tried to talk Griffin into adding chocolate chips, but he said no.” She pouts slightly. “Can you believe it? No chocolate chips?”

Sienna recovers, but it takes her a moment. She looks at me and her eyes soften which tells me we’ll be okay. I won’t be leaving this house without telling her exactly how I feel. She’ll hear it directly from me. I’m glad she’s not running or trying to throw up walls between us though.

“That’s a crime,” Sienna plays along with Callie, infusing faux outrage into her words. “Everything’s better with chocolate chips.”

I heave a big sigh and give in, as if I wasn’t going to do that from the beginning. “I guess I could do a batch with chocolate chips.”

My girls cheer and everything is right in the world. Well, except for the big elephant sitting in the corner. That’ll be cleared up, though. I’m not even worried about it.

I’m pretty sure I fell in love the moment I saw Sienna again. If I were honest with myself, I was probably half in love with her back in high school. I just never thought I was good enough for a girl like her.

Maybe I was all along.

As we sit around the table and eat breakfast, including the chocolate chip pancakes, I can’t help but smile. My girls are chatting and I’m soaking it all up. I love it. I want this all the time.

When I see my chance in the conversation, I seize it. “I understand your birthday is coming up soon, Callie. A few days before Halloween, right?”

Callie shoots me a shy smile and nods. “Yeah. It’s a school night, so I just want to do something small. Just dinner with my family.” Her eyes light up and hope fills her face. “You’ll come, right?”

I get choked up with the knowledge that she considers me family and wants me there. My voice is thick, “I wouldn’t miss it.” I shift a little in my seat. “Do you think I could invite my mom? I’ve told her all about my girls and she would love to meet you and help you celebrate such a big day.”

Callie’s smile widens and Sienna looks a little surprised. “I was going to invite my mom and dad over here, along with you,” she adds on quickly. “I don’t know if we’ll have enough room,” she says more to herself than to me.

“We can do dinner at my house,” I offer without even thinking about it.

Sienna gives me a grateful smile and it feels like everything, including that elephant, disappears. “That would be great. You wouldn’t mind?”

“I insist,” my voice is firm.

I’ve been thinking about a gift for Callie, and this will give me the perfect opportunity to enact my plan. I only hope I’m not overstepping. I don’t think I am, but I’m not entirely sure. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

“There’s a big Halloween party I’ve been going to the last few years out at the Suburban Outcasts mansion. They do a more family friendly thing during the day and then a party for the adults at night. I’d love if you’d both be my dates.”

“Yes,” Callie shouts.

“The Suburban Outcasts? Like the rock band?” Sienna looks a little dazed as I nod.

“Yeah, a guy on my crew met his wife through a stranger photoshoot.” I wave my hand. “It’s a whole thing, but the important part is the photographer is part of this giant family which includes the SO guys. Because of Jameson, the rest of the crew are like honorary members. And, actually, my foreman, Lawson, has a twin brother who is head of security at a club some of the family owns.”

“That sounds complicated,” Sienna muses, her eyebrows furrowed together.

“It’s not really. They’re a family. I’m family adjacent. We go to the party.” I look at Callie to find her practically bouncing in her seat and wink at her. “This year’s theme isJurassic Park. So, what do you say, dinosaur family, wanna go?”

“I’m going,” Callie says firmly which has Sienna laughing right along with me.

“Guess we’re going,” Sienna agrees with a shrug.

“I need to go search for a costume.” Callie jumps out of her seat, grabbing her plate and taking it into the kitchen before she disappears up to her room.

Silence descends and I swear I hear the trumpeting of an elephant in the distance. I guess it’s time. I stand up and move around the table, pulling Sienna’s chair back and angling it toward me before I crouch down in front of her. I grab her hands and give a squeeze, hating the hint of wariness I see in her hazel eyes.

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