Page 12 of Changing Grades

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Before I can knock, I see the curtain move near the front window and a moment later the door is swinging open to reveal a miniature version of the woman I’ve fallen in love with. I blink once, twice, almost not believing how much Callie looks like her mom. As Callie puts her hand on her hip and pops it out, the movement pure sass, a slow smile creeps up my face.

“You must be Callie. I’m Griffin,” I tell her softly.

“You’re the reason Mom has been so happy recently,” she doesn’t pose it as a question, she states it as a fact. Her easy words make me want to let out a whoop full of rejoicing excitement, but I keep it inside.

“I hope so. She told me that she’s told you about me.” Callie nods slowly, the hazel eyes she shares with her mom assessing me. “Do you have any questions for me before we get our night started? I’m taking you ladies somewhere and I think you’re going to like it.” I lean toward her a little bit and lower my voice, “I’m a little nervous you won’t, but I’m hopeful you will, at least.”

Callie’s face softens and the next thing I know she’s wrapped her arms around my middle and is squeezing. My heart clenches as she tightens her grip and this little lady, one who is the spitting image of Sienna, has stolen the parts of my heart my woman didn’t already claim for herself. I will stand between this girl and hellfire to make sure she’s safe.

I gently run my fingers through her brown hair, soaking up the sweetness and the love exuding from this young woman. Her voice is muffled, “You’ve given my mom something to smile about, something other than me. I don’t care where we go, I’m going to love it.” I fucking melt. “It won’t be long until I’m all grown up and I was starting to worry Mom would be all alone.” Callie pulls back a little and peers up at me. “You aren’t going to let that happen.”

Even though she didn’t ask, I still feel compelled to answer. “Never. I’ll never let that happen. I plan to be in your mom’s life, and yours, for the rest of mine.”

Callie’s smile takes over her whole face and she gives me one more squeeze before letting go and turning around. When we look up, it’s to find Sienna standing there, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. I don’t know how much she heard, but it was enough.

“You ready, Starshine?” I rub my hands together and wiggle my eyebrows comically. “I have quite the night planned, and we don’t want to miss anything.”

“Yeah,” my woman’s voice is thick with emotion, and it feels like she’s agreeing to so much more than tonight, “I’m ready.”

I wink at her as Callie wraps an arm around my forearm and leans into me. This girl and her mom. I’m theirs. Fucking completely.

I help Callie get into the backseat of my truck before doing the same with Sienna, giving her waist a little squeeze. I desperately want to kiss my woman, but I don’t know if she would be okay with it in front of Callie. Still, I need to be near her and take a moment to stretch her seatbelt across her body and buckle her in.

Before I can pull away and close the door, Sienna grips my shirt, twisting her fingers in the material and holding me in place. She closes the distance between us and kisses me. It’s short and sweet, but it means everything to me that she’s not pulling away or putting distance between us in front of Callie. It makes me feel accepted, like this really could be our life.

One where we’re together. One where we’re a family.

I kiss her forehead as Callie giggles from the backseat before I close the door and practically skip around to the driver’s side of the truck. If I didn’t know gravity was working against me, I would swear I’m floating.

The conversation is light and flows as I drive to our destination. I take the opportunity given to me to ask Callie about herself and school. It’s clear she’s a smart girl, which she clearly gets from her mom. Not only does she do well in school, but she enjoys it.

When we pull up to the aquarium, I get nervous again. Maybe this is too young for her, but considering how passionate she sounded about school, I hope this was a good choice. I look back at Callie once I park and her eyes are sparkling with happiness which eases some of my worry.

“We have enough time to see a few things before the show begins. Then I’d like to take you two lovely ladies to dinner.”

Callie’s voice is full of excitement, “Show? What show?” Before I can answer, she gushes, “I haven’t been here in a few years. Seeing the animals was really cool last time.”

I grin and then look over at Sienna to find her smiling, a little secret smile filled with relief and adoration—for her daughter for sure, but, maybe, also for me. I reach over and give my woman’s knee a squeeze before I hop out of the truck. I help Sienna out first and then Callie, knowing my truck is a little tall for my girls.

As we make our way through the aquarium, I’m blown away with how many facts Callie knows about some of the exhibits and how excited she is. I was worried for nothing, but, then again, maybe that’s just fate at work.

When we get to where the show will be taking place, Callie gasps when she sees a poster displaying what will be happening in the tank in front of us. “A mermaid show,” her voice is breathless, and I know I made the right choice to come here tonight.

“I thought it might be fun,” I hedge.

Callie throws herself at me and I catch her easily, hugging her small frame to me as Sienna leans into my side. “This is perfect,” Callie mumbles.

Then she’s off and gets as close to the tank as she can. We hang back a little bit, while making sure Callie is in our line of sight. I wrap an arm around my woman’s shoulders and tuck her into my side.

“Callie has always been a happy child, easy to be around and quick to love.” Sienna looks up at me, her eyes glassy, “This is even more than I was expecting. You chose the perfect kind of night for her, for us, and she’s accepted you fully.” She clears her throat and I lean down to give her a quick kiss, needing the contact. “Thank you,” she whispers, a little brokenly, but full of strength.

“It is my pleasure to give my girls what they want and need. I’ll be by your side, and Callie’s, for as long as you want me there.” I look over at the young woman who already has me wrapped around her finger. “I can’t imagine my life without both of you in it now.”

I know my mom and sister are going to love Callie as much as I do and the same is true for Sienna. The people in my girls’ life will expand and they’ll have more support and love.

“I can’t imagine my life without you either,” Sienna’s voice is soft as she rests her head against me, snuggling deeper into my hold.

Fucking perfect.

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