Page 85 of Hemlock Island

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There’s only a moment’s hesitation before Madison nods. It’s the “we” that does it.Laney and I.The united parental pairing, something she hasn’t had since she was too young to more than vaguely remember it.

“Thank you for making this easier on them,” Jayla murmurs to Madison.

Madison ducks, cheeks flushing. She mumbles something and then lets Kit lead her out of the hall.

When they’re gone, I motion Jayla and Garrett into my office. Garrett’s mouth sets, but he just stomps in. He makes a move to slam the door shut behind us. I catch it and leave it cracked open.

“In case Sadie comes to the patio door,” I say, but I’m not thinking of Sadie; I’m thinking of Madison and Kit. I need to be within earshot.

“Out with it,” Garrett says. “What did you find?”

“The people who wanted to buy the island,” I say. “Who staged everything.”

His gaze shoots to the door. “They’re out there? Where? There’s four of us. We can—”

“They’re dead.”

“Dead? You’re sure?”

“That’s… that’s the problem,” I say. “Kit and I are absolutely certain they’re dead. I found the woman’s head staked on a tree.”

“What the…?” Jayla says, and seems to lose the last word.

“It’s up on the bluff, by the gazebo,” I say. “There’s also a wind chime. Made from her fingers and rib bones.”

Jayla looks like she’s going to be sick.

“Did you hit your head?” Garrett snaps. “You did, didn’t you?”

“I did not hit my head.”

“Then you’re making up some bullshit story. Shouldn’t be surprised. That’s what you do. You tell stories, and I don’t just mean professionally.”

Jayla shoves him. It’s as fast and unexpected as Kit’s punch.

“Shut the fuck up and listen to her.” She meets his gaze. “For once, listen to her.”

I cut in. “Kit found me running back to the house. He wanted to go up the bluff, but I couldn’t face it again. However, that wasn’t the only thing I’d seen. There was a guy in the forest. Either injured or faking it to trap me. That’s what set me running the first time,looking for Garrett and Kit.” That’s a lie, but I’m skipping the Kit-mirage for now.

I continue, “We went back to check on the man. It was the guy from the emails, Jayla. John Sinclair. The guy we suspected was behind this. Kit and I thought he was just injured, but there was a tarp. When we pulled it off… his lower half was gone.”

“Oh God.” Jayla’s hand flies to her mouth.

“Bullshit,” Garrett says. “You really think I’m stupid, don’t you? I’m not a teacher or a lawyer or a fucking CEO. I’m just a dumb cop who’ll buy any bullshit you three feed me.”

“Why?” Jayla says before I can respond.

“Why what?” Garrett says.

“Why would we feed you anything? You honestly think, what, we’ve conspired to tell you about people being hackedapart? For shits and giggles? Hidden camera catches Garrett Emerson being punked… while his sister is running around the island, badly injured.”

He crosses his arms. “Kit and Laney are the only ones who saw Sadie. They’re also the only ones who saw this guy who was supposedly ripped in half.” He turns on me. “This is revenge, right? You three cooked up this revenge scheme, and you’re holding my sister hostage.”

“After luring you to the island?” Jayla says. “Oh, wait. No. You and Sadie showed up uninvited.”

Garrett goes to answer, but I cut him short.

“I wouldn’t do this, and I sure as hell wouldn’t do it with Madison around,” I say. “But forget all that. Don’t take my word for it. Go see Sinclair. Go up to the gazebo and see what’s left of his wife. That’s not all you’ll see either. You’ll see their bodies moving.”
