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“Tanks don’t move that fast. I didn’t want them getting away before he got to play,” Banks calls down to us as Scott circles around, taking a different street to cut off a possible escape route.

My breath catches when the noise from the first explosion reaches us, and I look sharply up at Scott when he chuckles.

“Sorry, I would have enjoyed seeing that,” he admits with a shrug.

In addition to gunfire, there’s another explosion and three of the vehicles in the middle of the row is desperately trying to turn around, but they’re pretty well trapped since Lee picked off the second car and the last one.

“May I?” Scott asks for permission as he reaches toward the radio, and I hand him the mic. “Lee, Scott here. Would you mind leaving the other ones in working condition? They’d come in handy around here.”

We take the double click that comes through the speaker as Lee’s agreement and notice that Tyton’s men are abandoning the vehicles.

“Javier, mind giving our friends some ammo,” I say, opening my door and quickly taking aim at some of the men ahead of us.

Banks and I have picked off four of them by the time the other three are getting out.

“Are you just flat out killing them?” Scott’s companion sounds a little shocked when he notices that Banks and I have no interest in taking prisoners.

“Yes. We’re flat out killing them,” Scott responds with a growl.

“Javi, cover Banks. Scott, you two behind me,” I order them and for the first time, I really see the wisdom in Dylan riding in the tank.

Besides the main gun, they can fire the built in machine guns without exposing themselves. And I doubt either Aiden or Lee will let Dylan pop his head out of the top anytime soon, even with the added range of motion the machine gun mounted on top would give them.

As we stalk forward, the group that Scott was with stream through different alleyways and join our ranks. Some of them pause long enough to take weapons off the men we’ve killed or pat them down, looking for ammunition.

Regardless, I know I’m not the only one hoping to get my hands on Tyton.

“Where are we heading?” I ask Scott.

“Just another block over to the school. The last we heard, the kids are in the gym and the women are in the classrooms.”

“It’s not going to be easy, Scott. Prepare your people.” I warn him, and the look of anguish that passes over his face tells me that his father and brother aren’t the only people he’s missing.

As we approach the school, the volley of shots further aways draws my attention and I get frustrated. If Tyton’s still alive, he’ll know this town is lost and will be moving on. He’s my target and if I stay with Scott, I’ll miss my best chance at seeing him put down.

“I have to go to the school, you don’t,” Scott says, drawing up beside me. “Go back to your people and finish this.”

I nod my thanks at his understanding and pull an extra clip from the pouch at my belt; it’s not a tank, but it might just help him out of a jam. “Whether he was responsible for all the atrocities we saw along the way, or not, I need to put down one of these fucking animals.”

Getting back to the vehicles, I get suspicious looks from a group of teenagers who seem to have been tasked with stripping the bodies of the fallen of anything usable. From the state of some of their clothes, I’m glad Banks and I were going for headshots.

“Good,” Javier calls out when he sees me. “Let’s get moving before they decide that our heartbeats are inconvenient.”

I’m surprised to see Banks in the backseat, and even more so that her leg is propped up.

“What happened?”

“Nothing,” she answers, sounding pissed.

“She jumped off the back and I swear, the pop was as loud as a gunshot. She insists it’s sprained and not broken,” Javier explains as he gets the truck into gear.

I raise Lee on the radio, to give them both directions at the same time. We move through the cleared streets, occasionally coming under fire. Not seeing anyone, it is just as likely that it’s friendly fire as it is any of Tyton’s men, so I’m hesitant to return fire.

“I got ‘em,” Aiden announces over the radio. “Looks like the party’s moved over to the other side of the river.”

“I see them. Javier, speed up. Lee you take this bridge and we’ll head down to the next bridge.”

“10-4,” Dylan replies and I can’t help but laugh.

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