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“I sent her up to Lee’s to let him know we had company. She’ll stay up there and tend to his animals until this…” Aiden’s voice drops off and I know we’re all equally worried about what’s about to happen.

There are a few changes to the original plan. The first being that it will be Shelby that takes Sara, setting up a play area near the cellar door as Trisha and Elsbeth take lookout at the front and back windows. If things look bad, they’re to head down there, or retreat if that’s a possibility.

Max takes command of the vehicle that Lee had brought us, and he will circle around to drop the others off at their posts before parking as a show of force not far from the gate. Javier looks overjoyed to see the rocket launcher and other weapons that we had left in the back of it.

“This guy, Lee, is he coming to the party?” Javier asks as he climbs into the back of the vehicle.

“Not if we shut it down before he gets here,” Banks’s retort is quick and sassy. The two of them fist bump, looking excited for what’s to come and I start to remember what it was like when I was in active duty.

That feels like a lifetime ago and it occurs to me, if this comes down to a fight, I’ll be standing on land that I truly care about defending. With my friends and family at my side.

The sound of the vehicle roaring to life brings my focus back where it should be, and I pile in next to Javier before double checking my rifle and pouch with extra ammo.

“Some of you don’t know me, and that’s fine. Dad’s leading the show, Javier, Banks, and I are just reinforcements,” Max tells us. “Keep your eyes peeled for anyone trying to sneak up. I have no doubt they’ll use the main group to distract us with others trying to flank us.”

When they drop me at the tree I’ll need to climb to reach the blind, I take a moment to point out some areas that might work well for Banks. Julia nods along, and I’m relieved to know that they’re going to be out there together.

Once I get situated, I lay quietly and focus on the noises around me. The usual sounds from the wildlife have all been silenced and in the distance, I can hear the grating sounds of snowmobiles coming up at intervals. Like they’re stopping every so often, perhaps to check the fence or scour the area on the other side for any other people.

Mike does a radio check once he’s at the gate, and I take comfort in listening to everyone sound off. Quickly praying that this morning is not the last time I hear anyone’s voice.

It seems like an hour, but it can’t be more than ten minutes when I see vehicles approaching through my scope. At best guess there are four snowmobiles, three that I can see, but they are weaving in and out of the trees, the men on them are all wearing winter camouflage—the red eagle insignia looking morbid against the white background. While they’re acting like they’re making random loops, it comes off a bit well-rehearsed to me.

“They’re playing the shell game with the snowmobiles,” Banks’s voice comes over our radio and I nod in agreement even though no one can see it. “Don’t get distracted.”

They stop within forty feet of where Mike’s standing at his gate, there is a jacked-up Humvee with a gun mounted on top, plus two extended Jeeps with six men in each and I roll my eyes at the red eagles that have painted onto the hood of each vehicle. Makes me wonder what kind of swag they give out to new members.

“That’s far enough,” Mike says, his voice pitchy from the microphone he’s using.

“Greetings.” In a case of dueling microphones, the man exiting the passenger side of the Humvee wins; since his system is somehow linked to speakers on the roof of that vehicle. “I’m General Tyton, a representative of the United States government. We’re here to complete a census and to inventory your supplies. No need for that gun you’re holding.”

“The last seven miles you’ve traveled is clearly marked as a private road,” Mike responds, keeping his voice neutral.

“In times like these, the government can take measures to ensure that its citizens are being taken care of, so your No Trespassing signs are irrelevant, I’m afraid.” The man sighs, then holds his hands out dramatically. “Look, there have been atrocities committed all across this country. It’s my job to ensure, no one is being held against their will and that if you have adequate supplies, well, I’m sorry to say, but I have the right to requisition anything you have in excess, for my men and the towns people.”


Mike casts the microphone aside when he gives the first count. We all know that means to pick a target and be prepared.

“Put your gun down or my men will…”

“Two.” Mike seems about to drop to one knee when the sound of a vehicle coming up the road distracts us all.

Due to the bend in the road, I can’t see what’s making the noise, but it sounds intimidating as hell even when we hear the unmistakable squealing of brakes. I stay in position, trying to figure out what in the hell Lee is up to when I see him walking into view with a loaded M20 bazooka slung over his shoulder and Dylan behind him carrying extra munitions for it.

“Son-of-a-bitch,” I whisper to myself. The two count that Mike had given was meant to signal Max to pull into view, but I imagine he’s realized that we’re going off script right now.

“Everything going alright?” Lee calls out, coming to a halt not far from Mike.

“Well, these raping, lying, con men here are trying to talk their way onto my land, so I have to say, I’ve had better days,” Mike replies, keeping his eyes on Tyton.

“Now see here! You have thirty seconds to drop your weapons and comply,” Tyton yells back, signaling to his men.

Immediately, the men in the back of the Jeeps jump to the ground and hold up their weapons, fanning out like wings on either side of the lead vehicle—and I know this is going to get ugly. I flip on the scope’s laser light and aim that at Tyton’s hand, just until his body language tells me that he sees it.

Then I shift it to his skull.

“Hey, I like your Humvee!” Lee calls out to him, fiddling with the scope of his Bazooka as he lifts it. “I’d hate to see it scratched up, so why don’t you have your friends jump out? Just leave the key in it.”

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