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With the thoughtful look on his face, I know that Dad’s sudden silence is due to him considering making an offer to this unknown woman. It’s not just for room and board, anyone we take in will be another person to defend if the worst happens. In today’s world, bringing a stranger into our home means that we have to be open to trusting that person with our lives.

Hearing Elsbeth calling for Rachel, I wave my hand to the guys and head back to talk to Elsbeth about Lee and Trisha. There always seem to be a thousand moving parts around here!


When the door to our room slowly opens, I snuggle deeper into the covers, anticipating a rush of cold air. Russ and Gramps had angled some plywood outside of the door to help shelter the converted storage room, that we’ve taken over as our abode, from the blasts of cold air we get up here, but you can’t be too careful.

Almost immediately after I hear Russ kick off his boots, he stubs his toe and I peak out of my cocoon when I hear him bite off his string of curses. He sheds his coat, hanging it near the stove. “Are you okay?”

“Sorry to wake you,” he whispers back, placing another log inside the cast iron stove that heats our room, and the occasional meal. “I wanted to grab that whiteboard.”

“It’s here,” I tell him, covering half my face with the comforter so he won’t see my smile.

“Where?” he asks, still looking at the neatly organized shelving.

“Here, behind the bed,” I answer, trying to sound earnest so he won’t figure out my game.

“That so?”

Hmm, I don’t think I have him fooled.

“Yes, but you can’t have it until you kiss me.”

“You drive a hard bargain, Firecracker,” he replies, trying to keep a serious face. One that I’m sure would terrify anyone who didn’t know what a teddy bear he is, at least to me. “I’m in the middle of my chores, you know.”

I raise an eyebrow at him, silently letting him know my demands must be met.

“Brat,” he says, chuckling as he leans over, his knee hitting the mattress as he crawls up to meet me, barely letting the muddy edges of his jeans touch the bedding.

Russ kisses me like he always does, making me feel like I’m the center of his world. He draws back and softly rubs his nose against mine. “Do you actually know where it is?”

I slowly nod my head. “But that wasn’t where I wanted you to kiss me.”

His laugh rings out, bouncing off the walls of our small room, but that doesn’t stop him from rolling onto his side and ducking under the comforter. I giggle as he starts tugging down my pajama bottoms and I lift my ass to help speed his progress.

When he blows a raspberry over my clit, I can’t help but scream in surprise. Russ’s tongue quickly works his magic over that sensitive nub and as he gradually starts finger fucking me, I wrap my legs around his upper torso and rub my hands over his shaved head.

“Fuck me,” I beg, wanting him to come with me, but he just chuckles against my pussy, his breath across that sensitive area teasing me further along.

“I have to get back to work,” he murmurs, placing a kiss against the skin on my inner thigh.

“So romantic,” I retort, nudging him back to the matter at hand.

He chuckles again before sucking my clit between his teeth and caressing it with his tongue.

Suddenly, there’s a huge ruckus coming from the barn, making it sound like the animals on the other side of the shared wall are trying to come through.

“Rachel!” Dylan calls out and the mood in our room is officially spoiled. “I’m heading out with Dad and need those gloves.”

“Damn it,” I groan, instantly distracted from our stolen moment.

“I’ll go see what they’re up to now,” Russ says, sighing. “Christ, they’re either going to kill each other or fall in love. I can’t decide.”

“Bite your tongue, he’s way too young.”

Russ gives me a look and I belatedly realize he was taking Dylan’s age into account when he saidfall in loveversus another activity I don’t want to think of in relation to my brother. He gives me a quick kiss and a wink before pulling his coat back on.

“The whiteboard and markers are on the left side, second to bottom shelf,” I tell him, reminding him of what brought him back here to begin with.

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