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I stay silent, watching as he buttons his shirt. When he finishes, he turns to face me calmly. But there’s a dark undercurrent in his expression that tells me he’s trying hard to repress his feelings as well.

“Who was he?”

“None of your business.”

“In case it skipped your mind, Evans, the second you agreed to marry me, everything you do became my business. That includes the people you meet.”

“He’s no one,” I say, switching tactics. “No one you need to bother with.”

“You spent thirty minutes talking to him, Daniella. Don’t tell me he’s fucking no one!” A muscle ticks in his jaw.

“Dammit, Christian. At least let me have some privacy. You can’t have people following me about without my knowledge.”

His gaze hardens. “That’s not what this conversation is about. I could find out, you know. Give me an hour and I’ll know everything about him, from his place of work to his social security number. Don’t test me, Daniella—tell me who he fucking is to you.”

My breath comes out in a sharp exhale. “He’s my ex-boyfriend.”

“I thought so,” Christian mutters. “Go get dressed,tesoro. We’re going to be late.”

The change in the pace of the conversation is so surprising, it makes me feel a little lightheaded.

“What?” I whisper. “That’s it?”

“The charity gala, Daniella. I hate being late.”

“No, tell me what you’re going to do to him.”

Christian looks me dead in the eye as he says, “I could put a bullet in his head.”

My heart drops down to my toes. Instinctively, I take a step back, clenching my fists. “You can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because.” I have no idea what to say. Tears well in my eyes. This is the first time I’ve been confronted by the part of him he likes to keep hidden. The part of him that scares me, although I’ll never admit it.

Christian curses under his breath. “For the love of God, Evans. I’m not going to fucking kill the man!”

“You just said—”

“I wasn’t being serious. I won’t harm a single piece of hair on his head. All he did today was speak to you. I’m not unreasonable.”

“What if—” I pause and lick my dry lips. “What if he does more than speak to me?”

Christian’s gaze flashes with something downright terrifying. I start to walk backward and he follows, taking step after step with me, until my back hits the wall.

“That’s a dangerous question, Evans.” He presses his hands against the wall on either side of me.

My pulse leaps. “Answer me. Tell me you’re not going to kill him. Promise me.”

Christian smiles. For the first time, I catch a glimpse of the whisper of darkness swirling in the depths of his amber eyes. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep. If he so much as touches you, it’ll most certainly be his last day on Earth.”

The rasp of his voice sends the hair on my arms on end. Despite the threat of violence, my body responds to his closeness. I swallow as a shiver rolls through me.

“You won’t kill him,” I say, trying to stand my ground.

“What I do to him is entirely up to you.” He leans closer and does something completely unexpected. He kisses my forehead. “Go get dressed. We leave in thirty minutes.”

I blink in confusion, the haze in my brain clearing when he pushes off the wall and away from me.
