Page 46 of Covert Risk

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Her use of her crutch increased with every hour—every minute—that passed. Instead of it just being there to help keep her steady and take a little of her weight, she was now using it to bear almost all her weight, her bad foot barely touching the ground.

A blister on her hand rubbed raw, and she bit her teeth into her bottom lip so she didn’t whimper and alert Christian to this new level of discomfort.

Wasn’t like things could get a whole lot worse, so all she had to do was suck it up and keep walking. The sooner they got back to the house the sooner she could get off her feet, get properly warm, real rest, and proper pain relief. And Christian wouldn’t worry so much because he’d find out if his team were okay.

Lila prayed they were. How would she ever forgive herself if they died because they’d come after her? How would she face Mackenzie and Mikey, Phoebe and Lolly, Piper, and Julia if the men they loved died because of her?

Because once again all the universe seemed to care about was kicking her and Christian when they were already down, a crack seemed to slice right through the air.

Before she could even process the sound, Christian had launched at her and tackled her to the ground.

Pain speared through her body, and she couldn’t help but cry out as her ankle twisted awkwardly as she fell.

Another crack followed the first, and then another.

After the third, Lila finally realized what was happening.

They were being shot at.

Something wet puddled beneath her right shoulder.


Had she been shot?

Above her, Christian shifted, lifting his weapon and firing back at whoever was shooting at them.

Whether it was Ross and Zara or some random stranger, it hardly mattered. Bullets were bullets and could kill just as easily no matter who was firing them from a gun.

The sounds were so loud.

She’d never known a gun firing sounded like this. It was like a mini explosion each time Christian pulled the trigger. Before Christian put that gun in her hand yesterday morning, she’d never even touched one before, but she definitely wanted to learn.

Never again did she want to feel as helpless as she did in this moment.

When things suddenly went deadly quiet Lila startled.

Was it over?

Had Christian killed whoever was shooting at them?

“Christian?” she asked when what felt like a full minute passed without him moving.

“Lila?” His voice was strained, and he moved slowly off her like his body was heavy.

He staggered to the side, rolling to his side with a thunk that seemed to reverberate through the ground and into her.


His shoulder was soaked in blood.

She hadn’t been shot, Christian had.

Chapter Thirteen

November 19th

11:55 A.M.

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