Page 32 of Covert Risk

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Without a moment to herself, there was no way she could slip away out into the forest. The forest was her only hope, but she couldn’t see any way to get to it. Even if she could, it was no guarantee that she wouldn’t be stopped as she tried to run.

“Almost time for bed, darling,” Ross said, appearing before her.

Most of the day he’d left her alone. She assumed he still had work to take care of so nobody knew he and his wife had a kidnap victim in their vacation home. Lunchtime had been a repeat of breakfast, and … Lila wasn’t ready to process any of that yet.

Accepting what Ross had made her do would crack her shell of numbness, and she was pretty sure not in a good way.


She needed to find some anger to cling to. Right now, she needed an infusion of strength and power, and she was pretty sure fury was the only thing that could give her that.

“I thought since you have been such a good girl today, you had earned yourself a little pleasure.”

Nausea rolled through her stomach at Ross’ words.

Unfortunately, she knew exactly what he meant.

If there was anything in her stomach to throw up, she would likely have vomited it up right then and there, but she hadn’t been given anything to eat since dinner the day before, so instead, bile just burned her throat.

“Are you going to be a good girl or do I need to use these?” Ross held up more plastic zip ties.

Already her wrists were red and raw, the skin torn from hours of being cuffed on the plane and then when Ross had sexually assaulted her earlier today. She didn’t want to lie still and let him put his disgusting mouth on her, but an idea began to form.

It was late, completely dark out, a perfect time to disappear into the forest if she could just get out of the house.

If Ross left her free, all she needed was one second to make her move.

Dropping her eyes in the picture of submission, Lila forced her body to remain lax in the armchair she had been curled up in even as adrenalin flooded her system. “I’ll be good,” she murmured.

“I knew you were smart enough to see reason,” Ross said as he petted her head like she was a dog.

Lila nodded, already working scenarios in her mind. While she didn’t have a lot of self-defense training she knew a little, the basics, enough to know that she had to aim for a weak spot. Eyes, throat, groin, they were the best to go for, and she would be hitting him with everything she had.

She wasn’t just fighting for herself but for Christian and their baby too.

Failure here was not an option.

“Move forward to the edge of the seat,” he ordered.

It took everything she had to meekly comply.

The war, not the battle.

The reminder was enough to have her shifting in the seat, so her hips were perched on the edge, and she was reclining against the seat back.

Greedy hands reached for the zipper of her jeans, and he fumbled as he tried to simultaneously unzip it and pull it down over her hips, bearing her panties.

Panties he literally ripped off her body.

Pain from the material tearing at her skin barely registered because then he was forcing her legs apart and settling between them.

When his head moved toward her center, close enough that she could feel his hot breath against her most intimate flesh, Lila closed her eyes and counted slowly to ten. She needed him to believe she wasn’t going to fight him, that she had been scared into submission, that he was finally going to get what her parents had promised him fourteen years ago.

Only she had no intention of giving him that.

His tongue had just darted out to touch her when she sprang into action.

Simultaneously, Lila rammed her foot up connecting squarely with his groin, while she whipped out a hand and slammed her palm up and into his nose.

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