Page 29 of Covert Risk

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“You’ll sleep better tonight, darling, with me by your side,” Ross said to Liliana, leaning in to kiss her cheek.

The woman leaned away from him, and Zara knew it was a bad move even before Ross snarled and grabbed Liliana, dragging her out of her chair and onto his lap. Ross had changed the last few months, getting angrier, more violent, and struggling to control his urges. A couple of times she’d seen him coming onto young girls on the sets of his movies right out in the open where anyone could see.

She’d been covering for him, not because she cared but because she still needed him and didn’t want anything to mess with that. When he’d served his purpose and she no longer had a use for him, then she might have him declared incompetent and locked away in a nursing home, for his own good of course.

Zara smirked as she watched Ross curl his fingers into Liliana’s hips and grind her center against his thick erection. Although it had never done anything for her, she had to admit that Ross was well endowed, and for a man in his late sixties he still had amazing stamina, was fit, and reasonably good-looking.

“Stop, Ross,” Liliana said, struggling against him. “I just want to eat breakfast.”

“Hungry, are you?” he snarled, shoving her off him and onto the floor on her knees before him. “Someone get me zip ties,” he hollered.

One of the staff hurried to do as he ordered. There was no reason for anyone to suspect her and Ross in Liliana’s disappearance, after all, she hadn’t been a part of their lives in thirteen years. Switzerland was the perfect place to hide their prisoner, and the staff here were paid to keep anything they saw or heard to themselves.

“I have all the breakfast you need right here, darling,” Ross said as he was handed the plastic ties. Taking one of Lila’s wrists, he bound it to one arm of his chair, then did the same to her other wrist. Unzipping his pants his erection burst free, the man always went commando.

Liliana tried to pull back, to get away from it, but with her wrists bound as they were there was nowhere for her to go.

His length prodded at her lips as though it had a mind of its own and sought out the wet heat of her mouth.

“Come on, darling, you said you were hungry.” Ross tangled his hand in Lila’s long blonde hair and forced her to take him inside her.

As she watched, Zara felt a stirring between her legs.

Memories of being naked and tied spreadeagled to Kristoff’s bed as he straddled her face, thrusting into her mouth, filled her head and made her shift in her chair as sensations built.

Since her lover’s death, she hadn’t been able to get off no matter how much she tried. She all but lived in the special chastity belt he’d had made just for her, and more often than not, she had the toy attached to it turned on. But the vibrating inside her did nothing to turn her body on.

Not without Kristoff in control of it.

In control of her.

Zara had always needed someone to control her in order to orgasm. As a young teen, it had been sleeping with much older more experienced men. But that had quickly grown old as she grew more experienced. Rough sex had worked for a while, but then no one could give it to her rough enough to satisfy her.

Then one night of passion with a man at the time she had known only as Scar had given her the most powerful orgasms of her life.

She had feared that with his death she would never experience pleasure like that again, but now, watching her husband thrust into the helpless and unwilling woman’s mouth, pleasure began to build inside her.

Ross cried out as he found his release, and a moment later Zara found her own pleasure crescendoed into a powerful orgasm that had her gasping, her hips thrusting at nothing as wave after wave of pleasure ripped through her.




That was what she needed.

That was what she would have.

Chapter Nine

November 17th

9:12 P.M.


Of all the places in the world he would have thought Lila was being held the beautiful European country wasn’t one of them.

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