Page 10 of Covert Risk

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“You’re sorry for hurting me? I don’t know what that means.” Lila’s brow furrowed, her eyebrows drawing together in the most adorable little frown.

“Let’s go in here, and I’ll explain everything,” he promised as he led her toward the nearest conference room.

He could tell by the way her cheeks pinked again that she had just realized they were still in the middle of the lobby and that the receptionist, the guard, and a couple of other people were all watching them with interest.

More relieved than he could express that she didn’t fight him, he guided her into the room and pulled out a chair at the table for her. Once she was seated, he took the chair beside her and took her hands.

When she went to pull them away, he tightened his grip. “Please,” he begged softly.

Confusion swirled in her baby blue eyes, and he longed to wipe it away. He wouldn’t hold anything back, she deserved to know everything. Once she did if she wanted nothing to do with him, or she didn’t believe he could keep her and their baby safe, then he would ask his boss, Eagle Oswald, to put her in a safehouse with around-the-clock security. Then once this was over, he would set her up anywhere in the world she wanted to go. If she didn’t want him to be part of their baby’s life, then he would at least provide financially for the two of them.

“I’m getting whiplash here, Christian. The man I was dating was sweet and caring, then you’re all harsh, breaking up with me and telling me you were using me just for sex. You ignored my calls and texts, and just now you were so cruel, but now you’re all sweet again.” She pulled one of her hands free and rubbed at her temple like she had a headache.

Immediately he panicked. “Are you okay? The baby, the pregnancy, is everything okay with it? Is the baby healthy? Are you?”

Lila gave him a funny look, one that said she couldn’t figure him out. “I’m struggling with morning sickness, but the baby is fine.”

“Good. I’m so glad.”

“You’re … happy I’m pregnant?”

“Shocked but thrilled. Definitely excited.”

“But …”

Touching a finger to her lips to silence her, Surf leaned over and touched a kiss to her forehead. “I’m going to explain everything and pray that you can forgive me. My team has been involved in trying to take down a plot to overthrow the government. The explosions set a few months ago were part of it, and we managed to find the man in charge of the plot. Unfortunately, he had a partner, one who vowed revenge on my team for the death of the man she loved. Until we find her, we’re all living with a threat hanging over our heads. I like you, Lila. A lot. More than you realize. Enough to push you away to keep you safe.”

“That’s why you broke up with me?”

Surf nodded. “I couldn’t tell you the truth because if I did, I know you would have said you were prepared to walk this road with me, but I couldn’t risk you. You’re too special, too important to me. It about killed me to do it, but ending things between us in a way that you wouldn’t want anything to do with me was the only way I knew to keep you safe. I did it for you. I know you might not be able to forgive me, and if that’s the case I understand, but I promise I will make it up to you if you’re willing to give me a chance.”

He held his breath as he waited to see what she would say. There was a wariness in her expression, and it was clear that she still had her guard up. Did that mean she couldn’t forgive him?

“You and your team are really in danger?”

“Yes. Someone followed me a few weeks back, pointed a gun at me before driving off, and one of the guys on my team saw someone watching him with his wife and daughter. Two of the guys are married. One has a baby, the other a seven-year-old and another on the way. Another two are engaged. They’ve all moved into apartments here at Prey to keep their families safe. I want you to move here as well, where I can protect you and earn my way back into your good graces,” he teased.

Lila cracked a smile. “You really want me to stay here with you and your team?”

“Sweetheart, when this mess was over, and you wouldn’t be in danger by being associated with me, I intended to come after you, try to win you back. The day I was followed, I had been outside your apartment building. I spent most nights there, watching over you, making sure you were safe. Needing to be close to you,” he admitted.

“I … I didn’t know you did that.”

“There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to protect what’s mine.”

Her eyes widened. “Are you saying I’m yours?”

* * * * *

November 14th

10:09 A.M.

Her head was reeling.

Stomach tight with anxiety.

Hardly able to believe what Christian was telling her.

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