Page 45 of Ignite My Heart

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“In fact, I suggest we forget about condoms from now on and see what happens.”

Her head lifted, her face taut. “That scares me. Either way.”

“Why? We have nothing to lose either way.” He reached up and pulled her head back on his chest. “You’re with me now, Blake. You are safe and loved, no matter what. Remember that.”

And her sigh filled him with a contentment he’d never known before.

* * *

They madelove throughout the night, falling into a familiar rhythm, a special dance their bodies knew that belonged only to them.

They slept on and off at intervals. Blake relished having him in her bed. She was used to Morgan leaving at a certain point and going back to his room, but with Ciara at Harper and Marni’s house, she had him in her arms until dawn.

When the sun rose outside the window, she lay on her stomach watching it, her head on Morgan’s chest, her leg over his.

“I’m so sorry about the way things came out about my job offer,” she said. “I would never want to hurt you or make you think I don’t love you or that I don’t want to be here for you and Ciara.”

His hand stroked her back. “Maybe it’s a good thing it happened that way. It got you to speak up about what you need. And I want you to do that, Blake. I know how demanding my daughter can be, and I don’t want you to be a ‘nanny with benefits’ as you once called yourself.”

“I can be that for a little while, if need be, but—”

“No. I can’t take off more time from my business, but I can hire someone to help you ASAP.”

“You can wait on that. I can still—”

“No. Do you know why I had that ring?” He tapped the ring on her finger.

Blake looked at the outrageous engagement ring for the first time since he’d put it on her last night. “I forgot to take it off. Does it belong to someone you know? Did you borrow it for the party?”


“Don’t tell me you actually bought something this expensive just for—”

“Pretty dumb for a Harvard girl. I bought it for you, Blake.”

She lifted up on her elbows. “You bought this ring for me?”

“Duh, yeah. I was thinking I would ask you to marry me when everybody was sitting around together after dinner on our first Christmas together.”

She moaned and flopped on her back next to him. “And I ruined it. I am so sorry. I hate myself for that.”

“Don’t. Things got messy, but we worked it out. Let’s look forward, not back.”

“You are so good for me.” Blake turned over and kissed him. “I love the ring, Morgan. I can hardly believe it’s mine. Did you pick it out?”

“Of course. Nobody else knew my plan. Probably because I was worried you’d turn me down. And I didn’t want to tell Ciara unless or until I was sure. Lot of good that did, considering the comment she made about us being ‘feransays’ in front of our Christmas guests.”

Blake giggled. “I nearly freaked out when she did that.”

“And ran away.”

She sat up and covered her face with her hands. “I told you I’m a coward.” she looked at him. “Maybe you can help me learn not to be.”

His sat up next to her and put his arms around her. “The best remedy for that is knowing you have someone you can depend on who will protect you and listen to your fears—real and imagined—and understand them. Someone whose love will always be there for you.”

She gave him a quick kiss on the lips, then her hand cupped his cheek as she looked into his eyes. “Is that why you chose a heart-shaped diamond? To give me courage?”

“No, I picked that because you woke up my heart.”
