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When I exit the highway, the car follows me. I park in an empty parking space in front of the station and watch as Adam drives a block down and parks on the street but doesn’t get out.

My stomach drops to my toes. I have no more excuses. The truth is staring me in the face.

I have a stalker.

What’s worse is that I’ve let him into my home.

Chapter Six


After everything that has happened between us over the past twenty-four hours, I am now more convinced than ever that Yuri was made for me. I need to make her mine, and soon, but I need to get through this day first. My flower’s having a rough start to her day, so I want to make sure no one makes it worse.

Suddenly, Yuri pulls out of the station’s parking lot and drives off.

That’s odd.

I give it a few seconds before slowly following after her. It takes me an additional five minutes to process where the hell she’s taking us and when I do, my heart threatens to stop. Alarm blares through my head at what this could mean for us if she knew …

No, she can’t know.


I punch my fist against the steering wheel as I follow her car to my old bar and when she parks outside, I’m tempted to run. But … I can’t. I can’t run away from what I’ve been doing. If she’s figured it out, then we need to talk about it.

She gets out of her car and walks to the door, and waits, shooting angry glances at me as I park a ways away. I have no choice but to go to her. Yuri’s expression is livid when our eyes meet. Whatever is running through her head is only confirmed by my presence.

I swallow the heavy lump in my chest before walking over to her, keys jingling in my hand. I select the right one and go to unlock the bar’s front door. “Follow me.”

Yuri doesn’t say a word as she falls into step with me and follows me back to the office. Her silence is unnerving, and I can’t help but wonder if she’ll understand me. Understand this.

The second we’re in the office, the door clicking closed behind me, she turns at me and starts spitting words out. “Who the fuck are you?”


“You lied to me,” she hisses, pacing around the room. “Everything I know about you I know from a police report and court records. I thought you were just a guy looking out for people who needed it … I can’t believe I was so stupid to believe that!”

I wince at her words. “Yuri …”

“Have you done this before? Is this something you do, following unsuspecting women around? How the fuck did you even get out if you do shit like this?” Her face pales as something dawns on her. “If I look at the donation records, am I going to see a campaign donation from someone who knows you to the governor?”

“No, Yuri, listen to me,” I shout. She jumps, so I drop my voice to a more soothing volume. “I don’t follow people, not before you. I—”

My words catch in my throat as I watch fear contort her face as she registers that she’s in a room in an empty building with me. She stops pacing and whips her head in my direction.

I step closer to her as one would approach an injured animal, but I risk it. I can handle the bites and scratches from my little wild cat, but I can’t handle her leaving me. She needs to hear the truth from me. “Yuri, you’re the only thing I live for. I can’t let you out of my sight, because my world was nothing before you came into it.”

Yuri doesn’t move away when I snake my hand around her waist and pull her flush against me. Christ, even when she’s furious with me, she’s the only woman I see. The only woman that fucking matters.

“Before I was locked up, I had no purpose,” I say, tugging her tightly against me. “I had nothing to live for, Yuri. I went to work, ate, slept, and repeated the same shit for years. Nothing I did with other people filled the void I was feeling.”

“Then why the hell did you—”

“My life was an empty shell, Yuri,” I declare. “That’s the only way I can describe it. When I was sent to jail, I didn’t feel like I was losing out on much. I didn’t fight the system or appeal for another trial. I probably would have gotten out sooner if I’d tried but I had no reason to.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

I pull back from our embrace and stare down at her, heat and disbelief flooding through me, leaving my head swimming. How is it that this woman can’t see how desperate and weak I am for her?

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