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I walk into the Warden’s office with long, eager steps, my heart thumping in anticipation and my erection already pushing hard against the rough material of my prison-issued coveralls. I ignore the harsh throb of my cock, my eyes running around the office with the need to catch a glimpse of her but I come up with nothing. She isn’t here.

Why the fuck isn’t she here?

I turn to the other people in the room. They flinch at my glare. There is no missing the fear in their eyes and the tension that fills the space. A room that was bustling a few seconds ago with activity is now dead silent.

“Y-Yuri—I mean, Miss Wright—is running a little late,” one of the cameramen offers, his eyes going to the cuffs locked around my wrists and feet to see if they’re properly secured. He must realize that chains are not enough to keep me from causing harm, because he takes a step closer to one of the guards in the room.

I’m a scary motherfucker. It’s not just because of my permanent scowl, which looks even worse because of the large scar on my cheek. My reputation as a dangerous man scares even the worst criminals, and they have every right to be terrified. Every rumor they’ve heard about me is true and then some.

“Where the fuck is she?” I ask through clenched teeth.

“We just told you.”

My eyes jump to the man holding the tripod stand like a weapon and his words die before they can reach his throat. I take a step towards him, but the light click of heels stops me in my tracks. My eyes shoot to the door.

Everyone else in the room fades into the background as I stare eagerly at the door, not unlike a puppy awaiting its master. I wet my lips and swallow hard, holding my breath in anticipation.

I hear her voice before I see her. It’s soft and mellow with the slightest accent. It’s just one of many of her charms.

“Oh my, I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting, sir,” she says to someone, I assume the warden, just outside the door. When she finally makes her way inside, my world tilts off its axis.

She’s perfect.

Scratch that, she’s unreal. Her beauty and grace are unmatched by anyone else I have ever encountered.

Yuri has been front and center in my world since the moment I met her, a mere two weeks ago. When Channel Five news first reached out to do a three-part docuseries about my life, I refused. I wasn’t interested in sharing my life with a bunch of strangers. For what? Laughs and clicks? I’m good, thanks.

But then they sent her to ask me.

It was as if they knew I couldn’t say no to Yuri. Perhaps they knew my world would change when I set my eyes on her. They were right, because I was enthralled by her instantly.

“Hi Brute, sorry that I kept you waiting. Traffic was nuts,” Yuri says as her eyes connect with mine.

Only she gets away with calling me by my nickname, Brute. Hell, she can call me whatever the hell she wants as long as she keeps looking at me. Her perfect brown eyes are so dark, they’re almost black.

Yuri raises a perfectly trimmed brow, waiting for me to say something. I have nothing. I can’t summon a single thought. All I can think about is how much I want her. How much I need to break these chains binding me, draw her into my arms, and kiss every single inch of her perfect body.

But I can’t have her. Not yet, at least.

She clears her throat, her sultry voice breaking into my thoughts. “So, uh, Brute … Today’s interview has been canceled.”


“I know I said we were doing a three-part docuseries about you, and that we’ve only done two so far, but there’s been a change of plans.”

My mouth runs dry and my heart hammers in my chest. I knew that one day she would walk out of my life, but I never thought it would be this soon.

“Why? Did you decide to interview someone else?” My vision blurs with jealous rage at the thought of Yuri even talking to another inmate.

I’ll kill them. I’ll first kill anyone that even thinks they have a chance at sitting for an hour staring at my flower.

“No, I—” Yuri’s brows draw, confused by the dangerous look on my face. “You don’t know, do you?”

“Know what?”

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