Page 46 of The Secrets We Keep

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Page 46 of The Secrets We Keep

Thalia stepped back and spun on her feet in a slow circle, her arms drawing patterns through the air. “The Spark that guides us, bless this partnering,” she said in a lilting voice that echoed through my bones. “Let souls that long to unite be one, so that they may honor you that much more. Let love and light flow freely, between Rose Hallowell and Kyler Lennox. Hear them now.”

“I open my soul to you,” I said, holding Ky’s gaze. “Let every light shine between us.”

A smile that looked almost giddy had stretched across my consort’s face. “I open my soul to you. Let every light shine between us.”

We’d gone through the brief form enough times last night, all of us, that I barely needed to think. He reached toward me and I looped my arm around his. We whirled around each other, twining tighter and then easing apart. Our hands slid down each other’s arms until our palms nearly touched. My spark swayed in my chest with an eager heat.

Thalia stepped up to us with her ritual silver dagger gleaming in her hands. She slipped it between our not-quite-joined hands and nicked our palms with the faintest sting. I pressed my blood to Kyler’s.

The flame of magic inside me billowed out with a glow that felt like liquid sunlight streaming through my veins. My breath caught. From the shine in Ky’s eyes, he must have felt something like that too.

“Their souls entwined, from this breath to the last,” Thalia intoned.

“Our souls entwined, from this breath to the last,” Ky and I said together. A jolt like a tiny bolt of lightning shot between our hands—and sent that wonderous glow spiking down to my core.

We spun around each other again, slipping past each other’s limbs, our hands staying melded together. With each brush of Ky’s body against mine, the heat inside me blazed hotter and purer. At the end, with our clasped hands hugged between our chests, we brought our mouths together. His kiss seared my lips.

If it’d been only us two, the ceremony would have ended now, and we could have taken each other in every possible way. Instead, I tamped down on that tug of desire and turned. Ky swung me under his arm toward Jin.

“Let souls that long to unite be one,” Thalia said. “Let love and light flow freely, between Rose Hallowell and Jin Lyang. Hear them now.”

We said the words and stepped into our form. Jin moved with me as gracefully as if he’d been born to this dance. His face glowed as our hands came together and Thalia drew fresh blood from our palms. The white-hot light of my spark tingled through me at a higher pitch. When we spun around each other again, I barely felt my feet touching the ground.

With each of the guys, with each promise exchanged, with each kiss, the rush of brilliant energy inside me flowed faster. I reached Gabriel last, my nerves singing, my skin ablaze as if I contained a sun within me. The awe in his expression would have destroyed any fears I had left if his earlier comments hadn’t already.

The actual sun was beaming over the tops of the hedges now. It gleamed off Thalia’s silver-streaked hair as she brought her dagger to bear one last time. “Their souls entwined, from this breath to the last,” she said.

“Our souls entwined, from this breath to the last,” Gabriel said with me. His love shone right back at me, so clear it was hard to believe I’d ever thought he’d lost it.

The rising tide of longing swelled as we completed the movements of our form. Gabriel’s free hand skimmed my waist, and I almost whimpered just at that brief contact. I caught a glimpse of Thalia’s smile as she slipped away between the hedges, leaving us to our joining. And then it was only us six.

Gabriel claimed my mouth with the same urgency ringing through me. I clung to him, trembling with need. When our lips parted, I found the wherewithal to gasp out, “All of us united. Let love and light flow freely.”

My consorts came to me. Desire blazed between us, so brightly I could barely tell where I ended and they began. Lips pressed to my neck and a thumb teased over the peak of my breast and fingers glided up my thigh, raising my dress. I gave myself over to them, to every sensation rippling through me, to the connection that streamed between us as easily as the thump of our heartbeats, the eager rasp of our breaths.

My dress fell to the ground, the sun warm on my bare skin. As two of the guys tugged down my panties, I nudged Kyler down on the crumpled fabric. Somewhere in the haze of wanting, I’d stripped off his shirt. The lean muscles in his chest flexed as he wriggled out of his pants. The head of his cock slid over my sex as I arched against him.

“Rose,” he murmured. He cupped the back of my head, pushing himself up to embrace me as I pushed down onto him, welcoming him into me. His groan was lost in the meeting of our mouths. At that deeper physical connection, the blaze soared higher, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. I rocked against him, and he bucked to meet me.

Other hands stroked over my breasts from behind. Ky eased back and thrust up again, each pulse of his cock making me moan as he stretched me, filled me. I was already so close—but I wanted all of them. Ineededall of them.

My hand closed around the waist of Seth’s pants. He wrenched them off in an instant, and I drew his erection into my mouth. He swore breathlessly, his fingertips grazing my scalp as he held me to him. Damon was kissing my neck. Gabriel reached down to stroke my clit just above the spot where I was joined with Ky.

My body shuddered, and the surge of pleasure blanked out my vision. I came braced against Ky’s lean chest and Seth’s hard thigh.

“I love you,” Ky said, gripping my hip. “So much, Rose. So much.” Then his head tipped back with the impact of his own release.

I sucked Seth down harder, and he came too with another groan. The aftershock of my orgasm and the flood of musky fluid in my mouth wasn’t nearly enough. But my guys weren’t done either.

Damon lifted me off Ky with such a gentle touch my heart sang even as desire made me grind against him. He and Gabriel caught me between them. Gabriel kissed me hard on the mouth while Damon slicked his tongue from the crook of my jaw to my earlobe with an electric quiver of bliss. As if they understood each other perfectly, Gabriel sank down, holding my hips steady, as Damon eased his cock into me from behind. As he filled me with one smooth thrust, Gabriel pressed his lips to my clit.

A cry escaped me. Then Jin was there, fondling my breasts and capturing my mouth as the other two guys sent me spiraling higher into ecstasy inside and out. My legs wobbled, but they held me. The light inside me pulsed alongside the rhythm our bodies made: Damon plunging deeper, Gabriel teasing my clit with the tips of his teeth, Jin swallowing my moans as he tweaked both nipples with expert fingers.

“Fuck,” Damon muttered through his teeth, but he couldn’t hold back his release. He hugged me tight as a hot spurt flooded me. I was close again, teetering on the edge of a maelstrom of passion, every nerve jittering with the love and light we shared.

Jin caught me, easing me down onto my dress on the grassy ground. I pulled him to me. As he plunged into my sex, bringing back the pressure I was craving, I tugged Gabriel closer too. A rumble escaped his throat as I palmed his cock. He bent over to kiss me with a stutter of breath.

With a few more thrusts, Jin’s length found the perfect angle to send me flying. I gasped against Gabriel’s mouth. My grip on his cock tightened, and he came hot and slick over my forearm. At his groan of bliss, I reached my peak. My toes curled as the blaze of pleasure radiated through every inch of me from my core. Jin came with me, bowing over me to claim one last kiss.