Page 43 of Diablo

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I swayed into his touch and the vulnerable affection of his words. Melted like butter on hot pavement. Diablo dipped his head, his lips brushing my temple with a faint, tender kiss.

“Riders and Howlers don’t mix, remember?” I whispered.

“We could change that,” Diablo replied.

“Or we could lose our patches.” I touched the MEMBER patch on his shoulder. “And you’ve barely had a chance to wear yours.”

Slowly, Diablo slid his arms around my waist, the heat of his palms resting at the curve of my lower back.

“I’m willing to risk it if you are.”

He made it sound so simple. So easy. We would have to constantly keep ourselves in check, analyzing and weighing our biases. And what happened when one of us had to put club business first instead of choosing each other? It would be rough with hurt feelings on both sides that could leave some lasting wounds.

The thought of sinking into Diablo’s promise was deliriously tempting. Just make the blind leap of faith and hope everything worked out in the end.

“You would have to find a way to get along with Tarzan,” I pointed out. “I can’t have you two at each other’s throats constantly.”

Diablo grumbled but nodded.

“I’ll work on it. No promises though.”

I noticed he didn’t mention how he’d managed to get Tarzan his money back. He could have bragged about it, stroking his own ego. On the other hand, he knew he shouldn’t have done it in the first place. Maybe he was learning a little humility after all…

“If you’re hoping I’ll pop out a few kids for you,” I said. “You’re barking up the wrong tree. I’m not mother material.”

Diablo chuckled, smoothing his hands down to rest on the swell of my ass.

“Well, that’s good news because I’m certainly not father material, either.”

He lowered his voice and his expression grew serious.

“I just want you, Stevie. In any way I can have you.”

My heart surged up into my throat. I pulled away, turning toward my tool bench to compose myself.

“When did you get to be such a silver-tongued charmer? You haven’t called me sugar tits once since you pulled up.”

“If I didn’t know any better, I might think you actually liked that nickname.”

“It always made me feel like stirring up a little violence.”

A smile twitched at the corner of Diablo’s mouth. He came closer, placing his hands on either side of the tool bench, blocking me in.

“The bratty attitude doesn’t suit you.” He paused for effect and brought his mouth within an inch of touching mine. “Sugar tits.”

Every nerve in my body shivered to kiss him the way I wanted to. But I held back and flicked my gaze up to his face.

“That’s funny, since you didn’t seem to have a problem with it before. In fact, that bratty attitude never failed to get you rock hard in thirty seconds flat.”

I slid my palm down his chest, down his torso, and gave a teasing tug at his belt, before I finally reached his crotch. He flexed his hips forward slightly and his cock definitely twitched.

I smirked at him. “Worked like a charm. Always does.”

Diablo’s eyes fluttered closed with a strangled groan and he nuzzled his face into my neck.

“Where’s your bike, Stevie?”

Ah, there it was. I knew he would figure it out eventually.

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