Page 29 of Diablo

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“There’s nothing for me here. I’m moving on.”

I clenched my teeth at his harsh words.

“You could come to Aerondale—”

Diablo shook his head. “You don’t get it, do you, princess? I told you to leave me alone. Instead, you’re tailing me like a lovesick puppy, yapping in my ear.”

“Watch it,” I hissed. “I’m trying to help, Diablo. Ever since LeBlanc showed up on my doorstep, you’ve been spitting at anyone who gets within shooting range. I can tell something is wrong.”

He stepped closer, his eyes growing darker. At this distance, I could see the lingering outline of the bruise my fist had left on his jawline from our previous encounter.

“You don’t know me, sugar tits,” he replied. “Do yourself a favor and stop sticking your nose in my business.”

I jutted my chin out. That irresistible heat emanated from him again and it made my palms itch to grab his shirt, to pull him closer. No matter what I felt when I was around Diablo—passion, anger, frustration, lust—it was always dialed up to 100%. I was the moth, he was the flame, and we were going to burn.

I could see the stubbornness in Diablo’s eyes, declaring he’d made his decision and he wasn’t going to budge. So, I played the ace up my sleeve, knowing it would break him.

Stripping off my kut and shirt, I draped them over the seat of my bike. While I stood there in my jeans and silky, dark red bra, Diablo’s steady gaze faltered. He blinked once before his attention dropped down to my chest. A strangled noise echoed in the back of his throat.

“In that case,” I said. “Since you’re leaving, you won’t mind one last roll in the sheets. For old times’ sake, right? Like you said, you have nothing left to keep you here.”

Without giving Diablo a chance to answer, I waltzed past him, yanked open his camper door, and stepped inside. For several long seconds, he didn’t follow and I wondered if I was making a fool of myself, so certain that he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off me. In reality, maybe he really did want a clean slate somewhere else…

I glanced around the tight living quarters of the camper—the few spare dishes in the sink, the laundry basket of clothes by the door, and the jumble of machine parts on the counter.

There was no indication that Diablo was ready to go. It seemed like his life had been upended and he was scrambling to haul his ass out of town, sooner rather than later.

The sound of his footsteps signaled he had decided to join me after all.

“Get out,” he said.

Not a chance, tough guy.

I was firmly embedded in his life now, like a splinter buried deep beneath the skin. He couldn’t get rid of me no matter how hard he tried.

Reaching behind me, I unhooked my bra and held it up, slowly turning around. A muscle in Diablo’s jaw twitched. He stood on the camper steps, his body filling the doorway, his chin dipped low.

“Are you sure about that?” I asked.

His knuckles tightened on the door frame.

“Yes,” he said through gritted teeth.

“You know what they say about consent,” I replied. “If it’s not an enthusiastic yes, it’s still a no. And that was the most begrudging yes I’ve ever heard in my life. So, I guess that means you don’t actually want me to leave.”

When I moved my hand to the button on my jeans, Diablo’s gaze followed the movement. He watched, silent, as I kicked off my boots and shimmied out of my pants, nudging them aside with one foot.

I thumbed at the waistband of my panties, giving the elastic a sharp snap.

“If you’re not going to do something about this, Prospect, I’ll have to take care of it all by myself.”

I took a step in the direction of his bedroom—barely bigger than a closet, with a threadbare mattress and equally threadbare gray sheets. Hardly a romantic setting but I would take what I could get.

Diablo hadn’t moved. But his gaze followed me the whole time as I drew closer and closer to his bedroom. Then he stepped fully into the camper, his head nearly brushing the ceiling, and he closed the door behind him.

Crossing the space between us in two purposeful strides, he caught my wrist with one hand, pulling it away from my panties. His other hand curved around my hip as he guided me back to his bed.

When my heels hit the mattress, Diablo was on me in an instant, gliding his hand from my hip to the crook of my knee. He sucked a bruising kiss into my thigh and pinched with his teeth until my skin was red. I gasped at the sweet pain of it.

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