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“Hi, sis,” she whispers, reaching out to touch the baby's tiny hand. “I'm going to be the best big sister ever.”

The next day is a whirlwind of new experiences and emotions. As we settle into our roles as new parents, Brando shows me the ins and outs of feeding, diaper changing, and soothing our little one. Each moment feels like a precious gift, and we relish every coo, every yawn, every tiny movement.

The hospital staff is incredibly supportive, providing guidance and resources for us as we navigate this new journey. I'm grateful for the lactation consultant who helps me with breastfeeding, and the nurses who teach me how to swaddle and burp our daughter. Brando is a natural at comforting her, and I can't help but feel my heart swell with pride as I watch him cradle her in his arms.

When it's time to leave, apprehension and excitement settle between us in equal measure. We carefully pack up our bags, and Brando checks at least five times to make absolutely positive we haven’t forgotten anything. The car ride is filled with nervous anticipation as we strap our daughter into her car seat for the first time. I sit in the back with her, holding her hand and marveling at how small and delicate she seems.

As we pull into the building garage, I’m overwhelmed that we actually did it. After months of preparation, we’re home with our daughter. Brando carries her inside, and we settle into our living room, surrounded by blankets and pillows and the soft glow of the nightlight.

The next few weeks are a blur of sleepless nights, endless feedings, and a learning curve that feels steeper than I ever imagined.

But through it all, Brando is my rock, always there to lend a hand or a shoulder to cry on. Dawn is a constant source of wonder and joy, filling our days with laughter and love.

Becoming a mother has changed me in ways I never thought possible and doing it with the love of my life makes every day that much sweeter.

The End
