Page 5 of Sasha’s Bounties

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“My ship.”

Great. Out of one frying pan and into another. “Why?”

The alien makes an exasperated sound, “You are not safe here. More raiders will come.”

“And I’ll be safe on your ship?” I don’t try to hide the incredulity in my voice, and his lips quirk again at the corners.

“I swear on my honor as a bounty hunter, you are safe with me.”

Well, that sounds awfully honorable, but I still don’t know whether I can trust him or not.

In a smooth movement, he leans down and holds one of his massive hands out to me. My eyes graze over every inch of his powerful body once more.Fuck me…why does he have to be so goddamn hot.

Before I let myself overthink it anymore, I take his hand and let him help me to my feet. All my joints pop and groan after being curled up for hours and his shirt falls to just above my knees.

He looks down at me, doing a slow up and down with his eyes. Then his fingers curl around my hand, clamping it in his much larger grip, and pulls me out of the room.



* * *

When I stormed the raiders ship, I expected to find a frightened female. I wasn’t even surprised to find she was tied up and naked. I was not expecting her nudity to stir me. Or to like the way her eyes lingered on my body. I absolutely did not expect the zing of electricity that shot up my arm and straight to my cock, when she placed her small hand in mine.

Despite her much shorter legs, and the fact she’s barefoot, the female keeps up with my hurried pace as we leave the raiders ship and head for theSovereign,which Vruk has purring and ready for us. Taking the ramp at a run I turn to the left, heading away from the cockpit and down the narrow corridor to where our sleeping quarters are. I hesitate at the doorway to the quarters Vruk, and I share but continue to the far end, where the captains quarters are located. We’ve only used it for storage because neither of us felt the need for the extra room.

“You can stay here,” I tell her when the door silently slides open.

She leans in and then takes a hasty step back, “Uh. I don’t think so.”

“It’s an empty room,” I assure her. Placing my hand at her back, I give her a gentle nudge that sends her almost sprawling over the threshold. Oops. “We use it for storage. You’ll be safe here.”

“Oh.” She looks around the room. As I’ve said, it’s empty except for a stack of crates that line one wall and a large bed that takes up most of the room. “Uh, okay then. Thanks.”

“I’ll be back to check on you once we’re back in open space,” I say as I step out of the room and then shut the door before she can argue. Setting the lock, so she doesn’t do something stupid, I hurry back to the cockpit where Vruk is preparing to take off.

“Is she settled?” he asks when I drop into my seat beside him.

“I put her in the captain’s suite,” I say as I pull my harness across my chest.

Vruk nods his head, as his fingers dance across the controls. “How is she? Did they…harmher?”

“She seems fine,” I assure him. “I think we got to her just in time.”

“Thank the Gods,” Vruk whispers.

“We’ll need to stop at an outpost and get some supplies for her,” I say. Even as I think of how appealing she looks in my ill-fitting shirt. She needs more practical clothing and whatever else female’s desire.

“What species is she?” Vruk asks as he carefully maneuvers theSovereignout of the port.

“She’s—” I have no idea what she is? She’s overly familiar, and yet I’ve never seen the likes of her. “I’m not sure? When we’re in open space we can ask.”

Vruk nods again, concentrating on getting us out of the station before the raiders have a chance to raise an alarm. Luck is with us and we’re able to slip away quietly and without a single glitch. Once we’re away from the station, Vruk engages the hyperdrive and sets a course for the next quadrant.

“Alright, tell me what happened?” Vruk says, spinning his chair to face me.

“Nothing happened,” I start but he shakes his head, cutting me off.

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