Page 69 of Shae’s Bounty

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“You’re mine,” I growl against Shae’s sweet lips. “Forever.” Because I will never let her go.

“Okay, break it up, you too. We have a job to do.”

I pause just long enough to glance over Shae’s shoulder at where Raela and a handful of other females are waiting for us. “No one is stopping you,” I grunt.

With my female in my arms, I realize I’ve got what I came here for. Suddenly, everything else seems much less important. Instead, all I want is to take her back to the cruiser where I can shut us in my room and fuck her until we’re both sated. Or exhausted. Likely both.

“What about Kurrahstka?” Raela asks.

“Fuck Kurrahstka.” I start walking back the way they just came from. “He can be your problem. I trust you’ll take care of him. I’ve got what I came here for.”

“Volethos,” Shae’s soft voice has me stopping mid-step. Her small hand cups the side of my jaw, and her dark eyes bore into mine. “We’re not leaving. We need to finish this.”

My teeth clench. I want to argue with her. I’m sure, if I kissed her, I could distract her enough to get what I want. But the way she’s looking at me has a growl rumbling deep in my chest.

“Whatever you want, Lovely.”

Her mouth splits into a wide grin, and I know, right then, I’ll never be able to deny her anything.Fuck me. Reluctantly, I release my hold on her and let her step back, but not so far that I can’t reach out and touch her.

“Are Danielle and Zell with you?” Shae asks as she tucks her small hand in mine and threads our fingers together.

“I left them with the Federation.” The moment I was able to get a feeling Shae was close by, I took off without waiting for them. My only focus was on following the feeling in my chest that brought me right to my female.

“Let’s go find them, then.”

I glance behind us at Raela. “Which way?”

She points in the direction they’ve been going. “There is a rendezvous point not far, where we’re supposed to meet.”

Looking down at the female who nearly took my head off, I grunt, “You stay at my side. No running off.”

Shae looks up at me with a grin that has my cock pulsing.Vittu! I’m so gone for her.

Before I can drag my attention back to my surroundings, a blast of laser fire has me stumbling back a step as it scorches the wall right next to my head. Shoving Shae behind me, I lift my blaster and take aim at the Pizat hiding at the end of the hall. But before I can squeeze off a shot, Shae aims and fires.

The Pizat drops like a stone, and I look down at her, bewildered. “Where did you learn to shoot?”

She shrugs. “Video games, mostly.”

I shake my head. I have no idea whatvideo gamesare, but I’m thankful for them. With my female at my side, we continue down the hallway, and this time I’m focused and prepared for anything.

As we make our way through the station, we take out more and more of Kurrahstka’s guards. It’s how we know we’re getting closer to our goal.

“Kurrahstka must know by now that he can’t escape. Where is the most likely place he’d hide?” I ask Raela.

She’s quiet as she thinks on this. “He has a set of offices that are somewhat hidden in the wing where he keeps his most expensive girls.” She taps something into her comm and then points in the direction we’ve been going. “We’re close, but we’ll need to take a lift to the top of the station.”

“Alright, let’s go.” My fingers curl around my blaster, and an odd sense of déjà vu slams into me as we head toward the wing where I was just at with Brox, trying to rescue Igid.

When we reach the end of the hall, it opens into the vestibule where absolute chaos reigns. Everywhere I look, Kurrahstka’s whores are fighting against his guards. I don’t see any signs of Federation agents yet, but clearly the word has spread, and the revolt has started.

I keep Shae’s hand tightly clutched in mine as we dart out of the hall and into the fray.

“This way,” Raela shouts as she sprints past me.

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